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Hiding behind a box wasn't a good idea.
Following my brother coming here wasn't a good idea.
But i know i had to do it,i know,he can't go on like that.
On my head i've always thought to be extra about him,to be oppressive,but he's my brother,the only thing that counts right now.
He changed so fast,just the fact that three months ago he wasn't like that at all.
He started to give me orders,to make myself obey him.
I'm not talking about violences at all,i'm talking about a sort of overprotective reactions,he low key started trying to make me stay home in certain situations,he started being extra but also non caring.
He was trying to protect me from something but at the same time acting like he wasn't caring about me at all.
But i'm her sister,i know him better than he knows himself.
And here we are,following my own brother.
This place is weird, it is in disuse and in ruins, the wall is detached from the debris, the floor is uneven and has holes. everything is dark and the wires of the current are in sight, falling down the ceiling.
there was trash, objects scattered everywhere, empty boxes.
a whole hovel.
what is he doing here?
the curiosity overpower me,i was moving my eyes so fast trying to catch up everything that was in there,until i started hearing some voices .
"In about 10 mins.....yeah......people are coming....few minutes" i heard by someone.
what in 10 mins?
I heard other voices coming from that "room" of the first voice.
One step.
Okay,didn't make any noises,go on.
i started walking quietly between the ceilings of this abandoned warehouse.
"Are they coming?" oh there was he,Alex,my stupid nitwit brother that whatever he was doing it was obviously not legal.
i was trying to get closer,carefully.
At that point i was binding behind a ceiling,watching all the scene.
This open space was huge,a really open room.
There were a few men doing something on the phone,someone else was like talking and acting as if they had to organise something,i don't have a clue.
I had to half-close my eyes cause it was so dark and there the only thing very lighted was the open space.
I hear some steps from corridors next to the room where i was hiding.
"Bros,are we ready?" a deep voice says coming from somewhere to the room.
"Of course,text everyone that they can join now" another voice next to my brother.
I'm so confused right now.
Who has to come?
Join what?
My brother is helping these men to put hurdles around the centre of the room.
They are placing them to create a square and if that is what i really think,it's unbelievable.
Are they gonna fucking fight?
An adrenaline rush came all over my body and i shook.
I have to do something.
Im moving my head so fast trying to find something to do,even if i have no clue what to.
I suddenly hear steps,but this time they are coming from where i was before,every second closer.
They were almost close to where i am now,i quickly hide back to some old boxes.
1....2.....3.....breathe Elle,breathe.
I tried to make any noise possible,when these steps of men came across the room.
I thought it was safer to stay hidden here,instead of spying them,if these are illegal fighting matches,a lot of people stille have to arrive,i'm gonna get out of here when there will be enough people to fill the room.
In a few minutes the noises coming from that room were so deafening,there we're enough people.
i came out of that hideout and i spied the whole situation form the corner of the "door" .
there are so many people,they are all screaming and quite singing some traditional fighting songs or something like that.
They are all around the hurdles,hands in the air,singing,almost sweating for all the fucking noises they are making.
I suddenly heard the crowd just shouting even more, a huge roar rose from the crowd and i saw people just move backwards, creating a gap, where after a while i glimpsed from the movement of some bodies something white, that was applauded by everyone.
I didn't have the time to figure who this person was cause in the opposite direction the same was happening,but this time it was harder to figure out what was happening cause people were too many.
I decided to get out of the hideout and to come closer .
I'm litterally terrified by the fact that they can do something bad to me if they find me.
I push all of these thoughts away and i turn around and around to find a place to stay where i don't catch anyone's attention and i can see what happens.
I ascertain that i'm not able to see a damn thing cause these men are all huge and tall and i'm a fucking 5.4 feet
I start breathing slowly to make my anxiety go away and I goofy start trying to give some shoves in the crowd to move closer to the centre.
I noticed men looking at me, whistle or making sleazy appreciations.
I kept getting closer until there wes just a row of men that divided me from the "ring"
It was obviously a ring like,cmon,they are gonna fight.
I keep watching from left to right,terrified of what could happen.
Keep breathing,close your eyes elle,close your eyes and breath.
I heard another roar so i immediately open my eyes to see a man opening a hurdle,after that another man came out of the crowd and walked through the
centre of this square.
he was completely in white,suit pants and a white hoodie with the hood up.
He had black bandages on his hands,and he had his head down,focused on make these bandages narrower.
I heard another roar and the same thing happened in the opposite side,which was almost were i was,closer to this other guy's side than the white boy's one,but this time the boy was all in black.
The all white boys fixed his bandages and slowly tuned his head up.
That was intense,it made him look so strong and sexy.
Another man came into the ring and walke through the centre.
I was looking at them but at the same time i was looking for my brother,i couldnt see him anywhere.
I was so scared about that,
maybe he got out of the build?where is he?
My thoughts were distracted by a loud voice,
"Are you ready?Are you really ready?Here we have two quite new entrances,they already fought here a few time but this is the first time fighting together,are you ready?!This is the LivingFire everyone,and this on my right is Maddex everyone,go and bet who's gonna win!!"
And the crowd screamed.
They all started betting who was gonna win,they were moving so fast from places to others,just to go and bet.
The crowd calmed down slowly and when they all had bet the dude that introduced the two boys came back and shouted:
"Okay guys,you cant bite your rival,you win with a knockout or a surrender ,neither you can use harms and none of these things.Guys,ready?"
They both nodded and pulled down their hood.
I firstly watched the boy in white,he was a really living beauty,he had an indecipherable, frozen and rigid expression.
He was clenching his jaw,glancing his rival.
Then i tried to look up to the other boy but i could just see his short brown hair.
"Let's start,3....2.....1......fight!"
They started jumping slightly on their feet,with with the high guard.
The "LivingFire" boy,or how he was called immediately got closer to "Maddex"
He unhooks a right to the opponent by hitting him in the face, the latter bends slightly,
but I couldn't see his face anyway, he lowers and strikes a blow to the stomach of LivingFire, the boy backs for the shot, then runs towards Maddex and throw him to the ground .
It was here that i realised who Maddex was,my brother.
I instantly panicked, he was under LivingFire, he was about to be hit from the boy.
And it came.
The boy up to him started punching him on the face,the blood was coming out of his nose,his mouth.
I couldn't believe it,i was crying,my eyes where wide open and i couldn't breathe.
I felt tears coming down my face,but i couldn't move.
Then all happened fast,Alex got up and turned the situation around,now he was the one punching that guy.
I had a little sigh of relief,but i was terrified.
The LivingFire had the force to move his left hand and punched my brother.
I gasped.
They continued the thing like that,it was a little bit him and a little bit my brother.
They got up,my brother moved his hands on the guy's shoulders,pressed on them and moved his knee punching his stomach.
The boy fell down so my brother placed his body on his to not make him move.
Alex won.
I finally started breathing again,until he fell to the ground and passed out.
I saw everyone starting fidget, move quickly and run away.
I turned my head from my brother to the crowd that was quickly vanishing,to the other boy.
Forgetting about everyone,I ran to open an hurdle.
I watched the bodies on the ground and didn't know what to do.
I remembered that i had a little backpack with me with a bottle of water.
I put my backpack under my brother's head and i opened his mouth to make the water go in it.
After making him drink,i started slapping his face gently and he opened his eyes very slowly.
"Alex,Alex!" i screamed
He was half alive,but when he saw me i opened his eyes more and surprised.
"E-elle,wh-what" he gasped watching me terrified.
"I followed you,and i saw everything,tell me why had everyone ran away,are you in troubles?"i said panicking after spelling the last words.
"The p-police,they come h-here at 10 pm , everyday"
I picked my phone quickly and watched the time:
9:49 pm.
Perfect,i had do something in 10 minutes,perfect.
I just remembered that also the other guy was unconscious,so i was getting up to go help him.
"where are you going?"Alex asked
"Helping the boy,Alex,you are fine,he's worse than you"
"Wh-y,hes bad" he gasped.
I didn't have the time to have an overprotective brother conversation right now,so i ran to the other boy and felt like he was dead.
I panicked so fast and i didn't know what to do,i moved my hands trying to think what to do and i remembered that i had my hoodie on.
I quickly pulled that off and put that under his head.
I basically did the same as i did with my brother but he wasn't moving.
I tried with slapping him but he wasn't answering to my movements.
So i tried to throw water on his face and it worked,he pulled his head up and breathed deep.
They both were half conscious.
At that moment i was basically watching them and i was castle thinking about what to do.
I remembered that my brother had a car and that he may came here with that.
I couldn't really drive yet but i didn't care about that.
i got down to Alex,that was conscious but could really get what was happening.
"Alex,hey,Alex,you came here with your car?" "Alex!"
"Ugh y-yeah,it's at the entrance" he gasped.
I roughly searched into bag,tha i found out being on the corner of the room and i searched for the keys"
I finally found them and now i was struggling about how to pick them up into that.
I ran outside and i opened the car,I came back and I tried to pick Alex up but he was too huge.
"Alex,cmon Alex,listen to me,you should help me to get up,i can't alone u too huge"
He wasn't really receiving my words but he goofy got up and i put his arm around my shoulder.
We finally got to the car and i left him on the front seat,then i opened the back seat and i ran into the building to pick the other one.
"How the fuck can i pick him up now?"
I did the same as i did with Alex and i stood by him.
"Em,boy,LivingFire,we need to get out,hey" i tried to move him.
He opens his eyes and looked at me.
"Ugh?" he moaned
"Help me get you up"
"I - i d-don't need y-your fueling help,Joannah"
Who the fuck is Joannah?
Never mind.
He tried to get up but he was weak so i forced him to put his arm on my shoulder and we finally got up.
We arrived at the car and i left him on the back seat.
I closed the doors and i got to the driver seat.
I looked at the time and it was 2 minutes to 10 pm.
I turned the car on and i started driving to our house.
What a rough night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2018 ⏰

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