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Waking in the middle of the day and seeing only darkness in this place, always stopped giving me hope. I had those dreams where the only thing I could see was the beautiful clouds and mostly, something bright and shiny that we knew as the sun. Living in this constant darkness was somehow a life, but I was sick of it... thinking about it made me ill and somehow, I wanted to explode. 

Weeks ago, I found a newspaper dating the year 2001 and the location was on New York. Was that place real? I was confused. Somehow, I felt a bit frustrated because I was living in this other world, whose name was Nova. This place was surrounded with beauty... that we could go outside just once a year... or every three years... to admire the beauty of everything, but using mask... or we would be affected with the sickness called 'Pandorum', that I remember that they made a movie about it on planet earth. 

I was lucky to be brought here. To be in Nova, we had to be rich, and mostly have a reputation and good things... but everything was corrupt, and somehow, I hated being here. Nova smelled and seemed that it was dying, as for me, I wanted to return back to that dreamy place called the Planet Earth... if it was real. 

Standing front of the mirror, I stared at me. Wearing a long sleeve shirt and short pants, it was pretty clear that I had a life in Earth. I don't remember exactly, but I had memories... flashbacks of that moment where I was under the shiny sun and feeling the warm breeze. Somehow it felt good and somehow... I wanted to feel this again. 

As for me, I was sure that I was suffering some effects of pandorum. My skin would itch by itself, I would wake up screaming, seeing ugly things and sometimes... I would talk to someone and see their faces get deformed. I never told anyone that I was suffering for it. I had to keep quiet or else, they were going to kill me. I did my best to act normal as possible, or like them. I don't know, I wasn't so sure. 

I went to take a warm bath and somehow I noticed a black stain in the back of my neck. What the hell was this? I touched it and somehow it disappeared but then, it appeared again. Padorum again... it was killing me inside slowly. I washed me but it didn't left, I kept watching till I scratched my skin, making myself bleed... insanely filling my shower with blood. 

Goddamn it, why I was even brought here? I was sure that somebody was noticing that I was infected with it. I took a deep breath while I would place something cold on my skin. I had to find a cure for this, or else I would be dead.

I trusted this to my doctor...

I was being followed.

The fuck happened to me. Guards, or nuvards began to search for me. I was constantly fighting with this and somehow I couldn't manage it well. I was scared. I began to hide every place, even some people took me for a day. My skin began to get worse and my body began to itch, I don't know how did I look but my appearance was horrible.

I began to see demons, as every day passed I began to act like a lost peasant. People pushed me, threw me stuff and some of them just gave me food. Pandorum had to keep hidden.

Nobody had to know about Pandorum, it had to be a secret. Nobody could know about this. I was freaking out. I held my body together because I felt that my parts were falling down. My vision was kind of blurry and I wanted to die. What the hell was happened to me... even my teeth began to fall down.

My breath was failing, my vision as well. I began to sleep along with the trash, to protect myself. My skin turned black, my whole arm was infected. The pain was horrible and I had to eat wasted food.

Where was god now?

The sun was bright... 

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