ch. 17; Positive..

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Friday, April 3, 2014

I've been throwing up for the past week and a half now, my heads been killing me and I've been eating a lot and normally I don't eat foreal because I have a small stomach. I flushed the toilet as I took a big breath, I don't know what the fuck is going on with me today, maybe I need to see a doctor. My ringtone went off as I rushed in my room to see who it was... Anna. What she want? I put the phone up to my ear as I heard her talk.. She said she was sorry and she wanted to make it up to me by taking me out tonight. I told her I wasn't in the mood and hung up in her face. Before I put my phone down I dialed up Brianna number... She answered within 2 rings. I asked her would she come to the doctors with me and she said yeah, while I was getting ready she was on her way over to my house. Soon as I grabbed my purse, headed towards the door she came bursting through hugging on me asking me was I alright. I shook my head and asked her was she ready as we both headed out the door. Brianna asked me were we still together and I honestly don't know what to tell her right now, I'm still angry with her and I know she's angry with me also, honestly we both were wrong. We made it to the doctors office and the lady behind the desk kept giving me attitudes talking bout 'you don't have an appointment' duh bitch I know that, issa walk in hoe. Then she gone tell me I had to pay $115 just to talk to a doctor and gone have the nerve to look at me like I didn't have the money, I pulled out my debit card so quick, lady was shook as fuck. Then she talking bout 'we don't take debit cards ma'am' okay hoe I got cash, I threw the money at her and told her bitter ass to keep the change as me and Bri got up and walked to the back. Shortly after my name was called and we both walked in the back with the doctor. They checked my height, weight, blood pressure, and asked when was my last period which was 2 and a half weeks ago, 3 days before me and Jacoby met up. The doctor took me in another room and we waited for about 25 minutes before another doctor came in and introduced himself. I really appreciate Brianna being there for me because I don't know what I would've did if I had to come by myself. The doctor asked me what was going on and I told him how I've been feeling for the past week and a half , he suggested that I take a pregnancy test first. I peed in the cup as I waited for the results. 15 minutes passed by, the doctor came back in the room and told me 'Congratulations, your pregnant.'

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