Just under the bleachers

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-Time skip to Monday!

(Mitch's pov because why not)

I walked up to Ty and Adam. "hey!" I said sounding so happy and alive that for a second I questioned if it was me.

"Damn what happened? Why you so happy? Did you finally get a boyfriend?" I blushed as he got it correct.

"Wait! really!? I was joking but ok! Who is it!" Adam yelled eagerly while Ty listened with excited eyes.

"Come with me" I said and dragged the two to the empty gym.

"Tell us! " They yelled. I gulped.

"Don't yell! ok!" They nodded. I nervously
Said my answer-

"Jerome" there jaws dropped. Ty was utterly terrified/confused and Adam was well he had a blank face.

"Wait wait wait! the guy who bullies you ends up your boyfriend!? how that happen!?" Adam laughed a bit at his own questions. I shrugged.

"He just is-" we heard the gym door open so we ran under the bleachers. In walked the football players which Jerome was one.

"There's your boyfriend," Ty whispered in my ear. I nodded and watched them while the duo considering they both are now together(Yesh SKYLOX) Were making out. I saw Jerome come up the bleachers and sit down with Seto.

"So you two are a couple now?"Seto asked me wondering If he meant me. Jerome nodded. "Mitch is the love of my life" He sighed with happiness mixed with love struck.

"Well don't tell anyone else because what happens if they hurt Mitch more now that you aren't gonna?" Jerome panicked a bit.

"Well pretend to hate each other if Mitch would like." I grabbed a pencil and Adam helped me get up and I poked Jerome's leg from under the bleachers. Jerome as Seto looked down to see me.

"Hi" I whispered. Jerome looked shocked.

"What are you doing here?" he whispered. While Seto was holding his laugh.

"We may or may not have come here to talk and hid under here when you entered." I gave a nervous laugh. He smiled.

"OK 20 laps around the gym! No going on the bleachers!" The coach yelled. Jerome smiled at me again "I got to go but when in done ill go under there. ok?" I nodded.(Adam already put him down) he blew me a kiss and left looking back at the bleachers. While he ran Adam was reading, I drawing and Ty sleeping.

We decide not to go to class today and stay together under here.

"OK CHANGE QUICKLY BECAUSE YOUR NEXT PERIOD IS SOON!" The coach's voice boomed surprisingly not awaking sleeping beauty(Ty) I saw Jerome hurry in with Seto. We waited like two minutes when Jerome came out with Seto. No one else was out and the coach was in the field. They ran under the bleachers and tree there stuff in a corner. Jerome walked to me and bent down and kissed my forehead. He sat down with me while Seto and Adam were talking. we went silent when the coach and the team mates all came back in the gym. Then the bell rang loudly. Me and Jerome just kissed. The other group came in that included Brice so we told him to come here and he listened. Him and Seto were apparently a secret couple.

Ty was still sleeping Adam as well. Brice was Pinned by Seto While making out and me and Jerome were kissing too.

We went dead silent when we heard the 5th class walk in which had Jerome's evil gang that hits me when Jerome snaps his fingers. There voice frightened me so I snuggled into Jerome terrified.

"Shhhh you'll be fine" He whispered in my as I listened to them saying how bad they would beat me up today. I was scared shitless. I wanted to whimper but
They were on the bleachers.

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