Chapter 36

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Chapter 36-


Birkland Avenue, Birkland Avenue, Birkland Avenue, I repeat in my head as I scan the street signs while driving. I was so sure that this was the right street but I seem to be wrong. I start to lose my sense of direction as in the dark all the streets seem to look identical. I begin to panic as it's been way over twenty minutes since I told Cheri I would be there. Pulling over, I decide to call her just to check that's she's still okay and say I'll be another 10 minutes at least. My anxiety increases as after six rings her phone goes to voice mail. Why isn't she picking up her phone?

I quickly leave her a voicemail in case she sees that I've rung "Cheri, it's just me Harry, I'm... a bit lost but hopefully I won't be long so just stay where you are okay?" I say before cutting off. I decide to take out the map from the back of the car as I can hardly recognise where I am.

"Crap" I mutter under my breath when I realise that I'm nowhere near Birkland Avenue, I glance one last time at the map before I quickly starting the car. The rain pounds against the car windows and I realise Cheri is going to be soaked by the time I get there. I turn the car around and start to head in the opposite direction, squinting in the dark every time I see a street sign appear in the headlights. Finally I see the sign saying Birkland Avenue and I almost cry out in joy, I restraint myself though and turn the car into the street instead. My heart drops though as it appears to be empty and I can see no sign of Cheri. I stop the car and fling open the door "Cheri?!" I call into the darkness and the pouring rain starts to wet my clothes.

I try again "Cheri?" my voice rising in fear but this time I hear a soft reply from behind me.

"Harry, is that you?" and I turn to see Cheri sitting limpidly against someone's garden wall.

"You must be freezing, your clothes are soaked right through!" I gasp feeling the guilt start to eat at me, if I hadn't stupidly gotten lost then she wouldn't had had to sit in the freezing cold for so long. I run over before she can get even more wet by the rain and lift her shaking frame, gently placing her into the passenger car seat bore closing the door and getting into the drivers seat.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, I got lost and I tried to phone you but you wouldn't pick up and I thought something terrible had happen and-" I say trying to explain.

Cheri cuts me off "I'm fine Harry, my phone went out of battery. I'm just glad you came at all. I thought you changed your mind"

"I wouldn't just leave you out in the middle of the night" I gape, did she really believe I would do something like that?

"I-I didn't know what to think" Cheri says her teeth chattering from the cold, I put my finger on her lips to silence her.

"Less talking, lets get you heated up first, okay?" I say softly as I fumble for the button to switch on the heating system in the car. Cheri's eyes start flutter shut as the seats begin to heat up and hot air blows out from the car fans. I give one last glance at her before starting the engine, I need to get her warm and dry as soon as possible. Cheri is still asleep when I stop the car next to the house, I get out and unlock the door before going back for Cheri. I'd learnt my lesson from trying to hold Lily and unlock a door so I wasn't even going to try that with Cheri.

Louis mutters "Déjà Vu..." when he sees me carrying her in and all I can do is glare at him since my hands are tied up at that particular moment in time with Cheri.

I lay her down on the double bed trying not to wake Lily who's on the other side of it, before going to run her a hot bath since it's the quickest way to get her warm. Once the bath is full I go and try to gently wake her.

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