Who we are

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        Have you ever wondered why we can't just have a regular equal and fair rights? I know that I have, Society today is too complicated even for our own president. I finally relize that nothing can ever be perfect in life but we can make it at least half perfect by the end of this year alone. all we have to do is make love equal.

        If you are very much against gay and lesbian marraige then continue reading this because you need some sense beat into your narrow minds.If you think for one second that the "holy book" is true you're wronge. Why in this entire universe would you belive that a book that some crazy idiots that were probably hillucinating seeing "god" and writing a book about what you can and cannot do in life. That it's a sin to love whom you're heart chooses because we can't control what our hearts say. That it's a sin to kill yourself because the pain gets to be too much.

        You say that being gay or lesbian or bi-sexual is a genetic mutation.That we aren't born the way we end up.That we choose to be gay.That no matter if we are born gay that it's still wrong. People who think that are extremly close minded and clueless to the real world. they dont what it's like to have to wake up every single morning and dread going to school or work ro just geting because the bullying and the looks and the whispers never stop. EVER!

        They never have ever since they came out to their parents or their friends are outcasted and got bullied worse than before and then finally they had had enough. and they ended their lives.They thought that suicide was the only way out of the hell they were in because of your "innocent jokes". they thought that being gay was wrong so they hid their true colors untill they snapped and ended it all. and then you go to their memorial service and have to sit there and put flowers on their graves because you picked on them. you have to appoligize for everything you've done to their families.

        you feel that regret and you say "I made someone feel worthes and so they commited suicide" and then you say to yourself "I'm the worthless one. I'm the one that deserved to die not them". when really instead of trying to be cool and picking on that person or jumpping that person you could have said two simple words. you could have said "I'm sorry".

        Those two words could have saved a life. Choose to be that person that helps a person that has no choice in their sexuality, religion, name or, who their parents are. Be that one courageus person to stand up to the popular crowd because they're picking on an "emo". Be that one to do the unthinkable the un expected and the most magnificant things in the world because the only thing holding you back. Is you. That's right yourself because thats the only way youre going to change the world is by staning up for whats right and equal.

        Girls are going to love girls. Boys are going to love boys. GET OVER IT!! It's not effecting your life in any way. and it never will. It's effect their lives in ways a man or women effects yours. It's still love no matter what you say. so it will be legallized to love to marry and do who you please. Love is not a restricted subject and shouldn't be thought of as one. You know there's this thing called and people should really live in it more offten it's a nice place.

        Fight for equal LOVE. Equal marriage. Fight for the right to marry who ever you want.





And remember 






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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2014 ⏰

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