Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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My heart raced as my feet pattered up the stairs, my short golden brown hair pulled up in a messy bun; I had been to lazy to do it this morning. My short, slim, olive body shivering cold, dripping wet from all the rain pouring down. I looked up to see the words printed in bold.

Welcome To Evergreen High School

My high school, the one place I fear most. I can already hear the voices of other students inside mocking me. I took a deep breath and stepped inside. The whole hallway went quiet. Stares, whispers, taunting me. Their eyes watching my every move. Some started to laugh. Was there something on me? Had I done something wrong? I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to replay the words in my head; a deep breath in, a deep breath out. You can do it Autumn. My best friend told me that after I got tripped on the playground in third grade. I opened my eyes and headed towards my locker. I can't let them get to me. Trying to open my locker as fast as I could to get away from all the stares and whispers. I entered in my pass code; 7390. My best friend and I made up a language out of numbers when we were kids, to try and communicate with each other without anyone else knowing, 7 is H e is E 9 is L and 0 is P. Hmm I wonder what that could spell out, heh.. I swung the locker door wide open and a long lavender silky banner slowly rolled down. Written all over it were words in different handwriting that I had been called my whole life, a nobody, invisible, a whore.. I felt a warm tear fall down the side of my face. My eyes were watering up and I didn't want to embarrass myself anymore than I already had. I looked inside my locker to find my journal. I had my whole life in there, my journal was the only place, other than my best friend that is, where I could write away all of my problems and actually have them out there in the world. I tucked it into my jacket slamming the locker door shut tight. My eyes started to burn from all of the tears. Running out the main entrance I headed towards the forest, but something stopped me. A beautiful, tall, skinny girl was running towards me. Their straight night black hair blowing behind them, and their sparkling baby blue eyes blending in with the shirt they was wearing. They had such dark brown skin, a face of peace and kindness. The only person it could be is my best friend Jay. "Autumn" Jay yelled running out of breath.  Jay had been the only person that I could trust for what seems like my entire life. They've been there for me through thick and thin, they're the only person I could rely for anything and everything. They put their hand on my shoulder with a concerned teary look in their eyes. Or maybe the tears were just mine. Before I knew it I started bawling. Between cries I yelled. "Why do people have to be so cruel?" Jay hugged me, as tight as they could. Looking down on me mumbled. "Being bullied, is a serious situation Autumn! You have to tell someone, a teacher, one of your parents, anybody! Anybody other than me." I looked at her with distress, "If I could tell someone then don't you think that I would have already? My parents, they won't understand. They can try to understand but they'll only make everything worse. And if I bring an adult, or a teacher into this mess then they'll see me as weak. That won't solve any of my problems. I-I'll figure something out eventually, but right now- I just- I- can't." Jay let go of me. "Fine. It can stay a secret for now. However- you will have to tell someone eventually, and if this gets any worse I won't be waiting on you to tell them. I'll do it for you." They pulled me into a hug one last time. "The only reason I'm telling you this is because I care about you Autumn. You're my best friend." They smiled at me then turned the other way, silent the entire time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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