Chapter 1 The Average Boring Day

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A/N ( quick note that this chapter is just showing you the average day of the main character Kacey so nothing really exciting...... yet :) Anyway thanks for checking out this story and hopefully you will enjoy)

Chapter 1


I wander around the cafeteria until I finally spot my best friends Jackie Hertway and Michael Harrison.

"This day sucks." I sigh as I sit beside Michael.

"You say that everyday Kacey."

Jackie pointed out popping a grape into her mouth.

"Well this time it's even worse then all them days put together." I groan.

"You say that everyday to." Michael said smiling.

"Heyyyyy!" I say acting really hurt and I playfully punched his shoulder.

"And may I ask Simmers why is this day so sucky for you." asked Jackie.

"Well I get up late and get in trouble with Mr. Richards." I moan

"As usual." Michael says.

"Then I get dentition on Thursday from him for coming in late."

"As usual." Michael says.

"Then I get double dentition as my homework wasn't done properly."

"As usual." Michael says.

I playfully punch him on the should again.

"You do know that people are going think you're scary if you keep punching innocent people." Michael states rubbing his shoulder.

"And you do know that people are going think you're gay if you keep hanging out with girls." I say smirking.

"And you guys know that teachers are going to kill you if you are going to be late." Jackie points out, gathering her books.

" Crap!" I say checking my watch.

"See you guys later, I got Maths." Jackie says as she raced out if the cafeteria.

"Since when has Jackie been so into class and school?" Michael asks.

I wasn't quite sure too. Jackie has been my best friend since 2nd grade and basically everyone knew that she was a crazy party girl since she was born and never cared about anything to do with school. But now she was turning the tables.

"I don't know really." I answered honestly.

"Maybe we should go to a party with her?" suggested Michael.

"Nooo Michael! You know I hate parties." I whine.

"Well it's not my flair you aren't a social person. you are coming Kacey."

I roll my eyes, smiling.

"That's where you are wrong Harrison I'm not coming."

"Okay," he said smirking evilly.

We make our way out of the cafeteria already at least 5 minutes late.

Just as we are about to make our ways to our classes, Michael smirks and quickly adds "Oh and FYI how can I be gay if I hang around with girls."

I roll my eyes.

"See you Michael." I say smiling.

"You too Simmers."


My day goes just at normal. I get my other usual dentition from Mrs. Davidson my English Literature teacher and I just keep quiet in my other classes.

I am not a very clever or enthusiastic student and personally am extremely happy when I get a B- but I'm more of a C type of student.

Unfortunately my parents are totally brainwashed that I am a bright student and expect me to get A's all the time when I personally think that's more impossible then pigs start to fly.

I finally hear that bell that I have been dying to hear. The last one and signalling the start of the weekends.

As I head out of class and make my way down the hall I here a boo from behind my back.

I jump in fright.

I turn around to find a laughing Kyle behind me.

Kyle Waters is a argonaut jerk, a playboy, a freaking mean 17 year old guy, the guy famous for sleeping for all the sluts in our school or basically an asshole.

Is there any high school that doesn't have at least one guy not like this?

"I honestly have no time for this Waters." I say annoyed.

"As if you have any plans for the weekend." he hissed.

"I have a plan of kicking your ass." I said.

I try to leave but that jerk just grabs my wrist.

He's laughing.

"You know that little girls like you shouldn't be so vile." he hissed.

Wait, let me get this straight this guy just called me vile, when's the last time he listened to himself.

"And you know ittle guys like so shouldn't be such asses."

His laughter stopped and he gave me a deathly glare.

"Look you stay out of my way Simmers or you will wish you weren't born."

I tried to get of his grip but he only tightened it.

"Look you keep on your road and I'll keep on mine and let's hope they won't cross."

He finally let go of the hand and glared at me.

I just gave him a smirk and left the building.

I hated all them guys who thought they could just make every girl bow down to them.

Now I am not saying that every girl isn't like that. There is at least fifty school who follow Kyle like he is there god and flirt like their life depended on it.

I checked my phone to see if Michael or Jackie had left me a message as they weren't waiting for me outside.

I quickly text if everything is alright to them and quickly get a message from. Jackie that she had to leave early as she had to collect her little sister and Michael reminds me he has a 1 hour detention with Mr. Jackson.

I decided to head home since there's nothing to really do.

As I enter the kitchen I see my mom busy wiping the kitchen counter top.

"Hello dear! Nice day at school?" she asked cheerfully.

"Mom there is not such thing know as a good day at school." I said placing my bag onto the table.

She rolls her eyes.

"Oh and homey what did you get in your English essay." she asked hopefully.

"C- "I muttered.

"Honestly Kacey! You never get A's! Try at least." my mom declared.

Now it's my turn to roll my eyes.

Yep, this was defiantly just the average boring day.

A/N (So hopefully you guys enjoyed and hopefully wasn't to boring for you guys. Anyway thanks for reading and make sure to comment on what you think:) Also I'm doing a

competition for a book cover. Winner gets to add a character to the story, followed whatever they want. Mote info on the next chappie. Still Thank You!)

See You Soon,

Sometimez xxx

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