Scratched. [Grimdark MLP]

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“Scratch no please you can’t do this!” Octavia shouted, pleading for her life as she cowered in a corner, mane and fur matted with dirt and blood. Her terrified eyes were fixed on her best, or former, best friend. Vinyl Scratch stood there, head lulling to the left, front right hoof up and the left side of her goggles broken so Tavi could see the dilated pupil and red iris staring directly at her.

“Tavi Tavi Tavi…” Vinyl purred, teetering towards her slowly, in a drunken manner. “No amount of begging will set you free.” She laughed manically and Tavi squeezed her eyes shut, a tear forming as her ears rang with laughter.  When she opened her eyes, her gaze was drawn to the three vertical slashes that cut right over Vinyl’s left eye.

“P-Please…” She whispered in fear, trying to crawl back further. Blood drooled from Vinyl mouth and she barked a laugh.

“HA! My brother pleaded too… told me I was a bad sister… that I’d hurt Itch… I’d never hurt her, she made me famous after all. But him… he favoured her… he deserved to die…” Vinyl rambled onwards and Tavi shook.

“Stop! I don’t want to hear about you and the murders!”

“He gave me these scratches ya know…”

“Please Vinyl stop!”

“He screamed just like you… begged me…” Vinyl’s horn glowed and a knife lifted from a nearby table and she held it over Octavia’s left cutie mark. “So beautiful…” She purred and slashed over it in one neat clean movement. Tavi’s scream rung round the abandoned opera house like an alarm and blood dribbled from the wound. Vinyl’s horn glowed again and the knife slashed once more, forming a cross over the cutie mark. Slowly she crawled forward and her tongue flickered across the wounds and she relished in the rewarding hiss of pain Tavi emitted.

“V-vinyl…” She stammered but Vinyl didn’t stop. In fact she reared up and as her front hooves hit the ground, the knife ran along Tavi’s side, a massive gash forming.

“If only my little sister were here…” Vinyl purred happily, wriggling the knife into the fresh wound. “Wouldn’t she love to see this.”

“Vinyl?” A small voice cried out from the other side of the hall.

“Oh joy, more company!” Vinyl exclaimed. “Do join us my dear.” A small yellow Pegasus appeared, her pink mane curling round her hooves.

“Uh… hi… Rainbow Dash was… umm… looking for you… oh dear… did I interrupt you?” Fluttershy mumbled and Vinyl’s pupil dilated more, her grin becoming wider.

“No no… the fun has only just begun…” Fluttershy frowned as Vinyl turned slowly, a trail of blood running from the corner of her mouth and she smiled eerily.  Her eyes widened as Vinyl's horn glowed, dropping the knife and encircling her, freezing her to the spot. A rag floated over from a table and it lodged itself in Fluttershy's mouth, hiding any screams or whimpers, of both pain and fear. Vinyl slowly teetered forward, cackling as Fluttershy squirmed to no avail as the white unicorn advanced, the blue magic holding her still. Octavia staggered to her hooves and forced herself forward a few steps.

“No!” She shouted, leaping at Vinyl but her ex-best friend’s back hooves snapped out, hitting Octavia on the temple and knocking her cold.

“This isn’t to do with you Tavi.” She purred, pressing her nose to Fluttershy’s, who’s eyes were welling up with tears. Vinyl thought she heard a muffled please be squeaked from behind the gag, but in fact, she couldn’t tell. She laughed evilly in Fluttershy’s face, smacking her with a hoof and knocking her to the ground, dragging the knife along the ground to her. The blade sent a resounding echo around the hall and everypony was silent. Fluttershy due to the bloody and oily rag in her mouth, Octavia was still unconscious and unable to move. Vinyl lifted the knife over Fluttershy and she slashed a deep cross over the three pale butterflies the mare had as a cutie mark. Fluttershy’s blue eyes widened and her pupils dilated in pain, screaming into the cloth. Vinyl just laughed. Her horn glowed brighter, ripping the gag from Fluttershy’s mouth and slamming the knife into her side, puncturing her lung. Fluttershy coughed, blood bubbling out of her mouth as she did and Vinyl grabbed her wing roughly in her teeth and she yanked Fluttershy to a standing position, then held her there with magic. Her smile three times as wide as she saw the yellow mare began to drown in her own blood, it pouring out of her mouth as she coughed and eventually emptied her stomach too. The smell of vomit, urine and blood filled the hall and Vinyl scrunched her nose up, enchanting a mop, bucket and disinfectant over to clear up the mess and the smell.

“V-vinyl… Rainbow Dash…” Fluttershy wheezed her last words as blood finished filling her lungs and her head fell, life flowing from her body and Vinyl dropped the shy yellow Pegasus with a heavy thud, her pink mane becoming matted with her own blood that still pooled on the floot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2012 ⏰

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