Seven letters. One word. Part 1.

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KeepOnKlaining: So, warning. This isn't all about romance. It includes serious issues and about how things complicate. I love Klaine, so don't worry, I won't harm them too much. Comment, vote and fan my account, please. The support would be great.

I am open to suggestions/ideas, as I'm just writing what comes to mind, so no pre-plan.


Hearing that six letter word. Cancer. It just seems like any other word at first, just a word. Any normal word.

As you grow the word seems to change. It has a harsh personality to it, makes your throat dry and your mind clog with sorrow.

When you're diagnosed with it, the word is a blur at first, like when you've stood up a little to fast and your whole memory of life itself disappears for a second. Then after a while the word isn't so bitter, its six letters that you can rely on. A word that you've learned to develop along side with, a word that's seen you at your worst, fall into darkness in cases, but the word has also seen you pull through the black, overcome, become greatful of things that you may have took for granted before the exact same word had caused your life to turn a whole new direction.

Cancer becomes like a guardian over you, a persistant mother, pushing her child to the extreme so that they will rise up from his own ashes of self issues and difference.

Yeah, the word is comforting somewhat.

Kurt learned that, in his experience cancer lost its meaning or purpose.

Kurt would say the word over and over everyday, only would he stop when the word sounded like any other out of a dictionary.

The first few days of being diagnosed he would shove his fingers into his ears when he heard the single word. He refused to let it be acceptable to just openly talk about. Like blocking out the word would block the cancer in this body. He held so much resentment for the seven letter word, cancer was just like an unwelcome guest in his life. Kurt felt if he avoided it for long enough it would just give up trying to stir his life and depart from his life. Another thing he came to realise: Some things are meant to stay in your life, whether they're good or bad you should never fight against it or question it. Because in the end you will be thanking it.

Some things are just meant to happen in life, but nothing ever has power over you. Now that he learned from Blaine. Blaine taught him that he has the power to beat anything, to overcome any difficulty, as long as he had courage.

From then on... Whenever he heard 'cancer' he knew its real meaning was 'courage'.

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