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The arm swung back with the knife, and with one clean cut, the head fell right off. Lui lowered his arm, the last body of the 'infected' falling on the ground with a thud, it's head following a few seconds later. A dark, maroon, gooey liquid oozed out from the neck, veins hanging from the head.

It looked disgusting, and stank aswell.

Valt's heart raced as he took a few steps back. He scrunched his nose up at the horrible stench. His chocolate brown eyes widened as he felt his stomach churn, before jolting violently. Lui looked away from Valt as he clutched his stomach, bending over and vomited. His stomach jolted violently a few times before finally stopping.

Valt swallowed back the acrid taste is his mouth and took a step back from his pool of vomit, wobbling slightly on his feet. Lui sighed and grabbed Valt's arm, steadying him.

"You should be used to seeing these things by now, you even saw your friends and family die infront of you" Lui said a bit more harshly than intended.

Valt winced at Lui's choice of words. He immediately felt warm tears fill his eyes. That's something he wouldn't wanted to be reminded of and no matter what, he'll never get used to these zombie like monsters that killed people he cared about. After Toko, Nika and his mother were killed infront of him, his friends immediately came barging in and dragging him away from his dead family.

For weeks, they wandered the used to be lively Beigoma. Every place was just dead and deserted. It seemed like the lively Beigoma became a ghost city. A dead city..deserted..by human population. But the place was littered by these 'infected' as people came to call them.

They looked..well..horrendous. They had uneven body parts, several stomach churning colours of pus coming out of their bodies. Valt and his friends fought, and did their best to survive. After while, death was something not to be horrified of. Shu lead their small group, he did have the brains afterall.

But it wasnt enough. Then one night, when they sat down at a corner to rest, they attacked. Thats the most Valt could remember, visions of Daigo being ripped apart, Rantaro dragged away, Shu eaten alive and Ken dismembered flashed through his head. He was screaming, he was crying and panicking. He didn't know what to do as the infected neared him. Then somebody was dragging him away, away from his friends, away from danger. It was Lui.

Its been weeks, and Lui seemed to be the best at surviving, killing infected one by one. Valt sometimes wondered why Lui would bother to keep him alive too, Lui seemed to hate his guts before that. Though he's still harsh, over the weeks Valt grew this feeling of safety around Lui. He felt incredibly safe when Lui would hold him when he cries. Lui would hold him till he falls asleep. He grew a hope that this horror will end and they'll both be fine.

Valt bit his lip and looked down, his chin trembling. Lui groaned.

"Valt...not now!" Lui hissed.

"S-sorry" Valt whispered.

Lui slid his dagger like knife into the sheath around his waste before rubbing his eyes. Valt took in a shaky breath and picked up the bag filled with first aid kits and a few other medicines. Lui's eyes wandered around the place -a ruin of a building- to see if there's any suspicious activity going on. Valt did the same, but everything seemed to be still.

"Just another two weeks and we'll be out of this damned place" Lui muttered angrily.

Valt was burning to ask that question he has been holding in for weeks. He couldn't take it anymore.

"Why do you bring me along? Don't I just hold you back?"

Before Lui could answer, a distant screech was heard, followed by more blood curdling screams and cries, then a clicking noise.

The infected

Lots of them were heading their direction. Valt watched Lui's eyes widening and before he knew it, Lui had grabbed his wrist and they were both sprinting away from that area. Valt's heart raced, from fear and adrenaline. Lui's hand was still wrapped tightly on his wrist and he showed no sign of letting go.

The sound of their footsteps was loud enough to summon more of them. But they couldn't afford to stop, it was hard to count the amount of screeches and cries behind them. The infected were still far off, but during a situation like this, being on the safe side is better.

"We should go near the fields and trees! There will be less infected there!" Lui yelled over the pounding  of their footsteps.

Valt could only nod in agreement. If it weren't for Lui's choices, he would've been dead. But again, why did Lui bother? Valt tightened his grip on Lui's hand in slight fear, as a awfully close scream was heard behind them. It didn't take him long to calm down when Lui squeezed his hand in a reassuring way. That was very unlike Lui, but Valt brushed it off. It seemed like forever to Valt, but they were both finally sliding down against a trunk of a tree in exhaustion.

Both of them breathed heavily for the next few minutes, sweat running down both their bodies. Valt sucked in a huge breath and then sighed. That was absolutely terrifying. What if one of them got him...or worse, what if they got Lui? His lower lip trembled at the thought.

Valt unconsciously scooted closer to Lui. The flame haired male stared at the bluenette before pulling Valt to his chest. Valt sighed, clutching onto Lui. This is all he has. The only person he has left is Lui. Tears filled his eyes at the thought of loosing him.

"Lui..I..I really need to cry" Valt whimpered.

Lui nodded and Valt immediately burst into tears. Lui scowled slightly but his eyes were softer as he wrapped his arms more tightly around Valt. The bluenette hugged Lui and cried into his neck. The flame haired male rubbed the bluenette's back, before bringing his lips to Valt's ear. The bluenette shivered as Lui's lips brushed against his ear.

"Hush Valt...do you want to talk about it" Lui whispered in his ear as his crying turned into occasional hiccups.

Valt swallowed and looked up, his glassy brown eyes locking onto Lui's eyes.

"I d-don't want t-to lose you...don't leave me alone.." Valt breathed.

Lui's eyes softened even more, and he stroked Valt's cheek.

"What makes you think I'll leave you?"

"You hate me..." Valt mumbled.

Lui frowned.

"And when did I ever say that?"

Valt sighed and leaned back on to Lui. Too much is happening over just a few weeks. To much had happened. His life ripped apart in a few hours, then the next few weeks he tried to survive with his friends. They were gone too and now there's Lui. He never knew he would end up in Lui's arms. But here he is.

"Lui..im sleepy.." Valt mumbled against Lui's neck.

Lui hummed in response and began stroking his hair. For the first time Valt didnt hear any distant cries of infected.

Instead, the steady beating of Lui's heart and Lui stroking his hair made him close his eyes.

"Everything will be alright, yeah Lui?" Valt mumbled before falling asleep.

Lui sighed and kissed the top of the sleeping bluenette's head.

"I don't know Valt...I don't know" Lui whispered into the night before closing his eyes aswell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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