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"Dad, I'm off to work." I say as I start to head out. But my dad just ignores me. They treat my brother like he is a prince. But me, my parents both treat me like a nobody. Wanna know why? Because I'm gay. Of course I'm not allowed to date so I don't. My dad would kill me if I dated another male. Which I think is pretty stupid. I'm going to tell you more about me.

My name is Eddie. I live in Seoul, South Korea. We are more on the poor side. I dropped out of school for I could help my parents with bills and stuff like that. So I work in a little coffee shop about 1.5 miles away from my house. From now it's been good but there some days of the months where our lights get cut off and stuff like that.

Well right now I'm on my way to the coffee shop. When I get there I get to my spot and take people's orders. "Good morning Eddie." My bestfriend Wonho says. "Morning." I smile at him. Someone walks up and I take their order. "Welcome to Fun Coffee, how may I help you?" I say. "Uh yes, I'll have 1 frappe please." He smiles at me. I smile back. "Coming right up. Can I have your name please?" "Yes, Jungkook." "Okay Jungkook. It'll be right up."

I go make his frappe and later take it to him. "Here you go." I smile at him. He smiles back with his 2 bunny teeth. "Anything else?" "Yes please, I forgot to mention. What's your name?" "Ah yes, my name is Eddie." "Okay Eddie, I'll have 1 cheesecake to go." "Ah araso." I go to the kitchen and get his order to go. A couple minutes later I take it to him. While I was walking with the plate I trip over and it falls all on him.

"Aish ! I'm so sorry Jungkook !" He gets up and cleans himself. "It's okay Eddie, accidents happen." He smiles at me and leaves the restaurant. Time went by fast and I had to run Aron's. I went to the supermarket and I had to by some groceries. I went to the chips section and while I was walking with my buggy I bump into someone. "Ah I'm so sorry!" "It's okay." I look up and it's him. It's Jungkook.

"Hey Eddie, I can see your off of work, what are you doing here?" "Yes haha, I'm buying groceries." When I was walking away I felt someone grab the back of my hoodie lightly. "Hey how about we hang more often. You seem nice." I look and it's Jungkook. Again he was flashing his bunny teeth. "Yeah sure." Jungkook takes out a card from his pocket and gives it to me. It had his whole name on it 'Jeon Jungkook' and his phone number. "Call me."

2 weeks later >>

It's been 2 weeks sense I've seen Jungkook. I've been debating on wether I should call him or not. He seems like he'll be someone I fall in love with and that can't happen. While I was thinking about that I hear my dad scream my name. "EDDIE!" I run downstairs and he gives me a hard slap. I grab my cheek from the stinging pain. I know for a fact it'll leave a bruise. I try to run but he grabs my shirt and pulls me back in the house. He grabs his bear bottle and breaks it on my head. I feel warm liquid drip down my face. "THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR NOT DOING YOUR BROTHERS HOMEWORK!!" I run out the door crying.

While I was holding my head I suddenly feel dizzy and the last thing I remember is someone running up to me.




My Secret Love Life (Jungkook x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now