Jack Smith awakens from his long slumber,realizing it's the last day of school for Mallory,Elizabeth,Steve, and JJ. He realizes it's 7:05 and his kids are about to leave for school, he rushes to their rooms to see where they are and finds them in the kitchen eating breakfast—eggs,bacon,and scrapple with orange juice, just like every morning,and his wife Tiffany is standing leaning against the counter,laughing at him all disheveled, he just gives her an annoyed smile and sits down in his seat usually next to Steve and Mallory, as he does every day in his " mundane life of a writer",Tiffany sets down a plate of eggs bacon and scrapple in front of him as he says "Thank you so much waitress! You'll be getting quite the tip tonight" and winks, she giggles and Elizabeth says "Oh my gosh! Sometimes you guys gross me out so much" and laughs, Tiffany then says "Oh you handsome devil you! Are you quoting another character from one of your books again? I swear,I don't know how you think of such smooth pick up lines yet you can barely manage to say any of that to me!" They then both laugh. The kids rise from the table and kiss Jack and Tiffany goodbye and prepare onwards to school. Jack and Tiffany are now alone, Jack, Not hesitating a second, Sits her down enthusiastically and celebrates his brilliant idea, she then giggles and he starts pitching the idea and says "So babe, since the kids only spend even more time on their phones over the summer bored, and my book was a bestseller this year,Also along with the kids not experiencing what we enjoyed growing up..." She then calmly, along with amused but slightly annoyed, says "Oh my gosh! Just get to the point!" He then utters "Ok,ok,ok... so I was thinking we should do a road trip all over the US!" She then gets up and says "I Don't know whether to jump up and down and help you or punch you in the arm for getting my hopes up!" They then laugh and Tiffany says "Ok babe, we will tell the kids your BRILLIANT idea!"