Fifteen Love

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Margot is nineteen the day she meets the girl. She has a crooked smile and sandy blonde hair that hangs in loose curls around her shoulders. She orders a caramel macchiato, and Margot almost spills it on her.

Margot was always good at first impressions.


Eloise's father makes her learn a sport. Golf, or netball, or rugby were all paternally suggested.

'Tennis-' her mother says on a whim '-maybe you'll meet some new friends.'

Walking home from her second tennis lesson, she finds a coffee shop that sells books – or a book shop that sells coffee (she's not quite sure which). But she sees an almost ginger haired girl with eyes that sparkle, and in her head, she quits tennis and picks up coffee drinking.

She doesn't tell her father.


A fortnight goes by and Eloise finally has the courage to ask for the almost redhead's number. Before she can even get the whole question out, the other girl has handed her a slip of paper with ten wonderful digits.


At one of their sessions, Eloise's therapist suggests making a list of the things that she likes, the things that she's thankful for.

She likes thunderstorms, the smell of old books, coffee and the girl who nearly spills it on her.


El is sitting in her usual spot, near the front window. Margot walks over slowly, and sets down Eloise's coffee cup, studying her for a moment before she breaks the silence.

'So, you named your iPhone?' she asks with a furrowed brow.

Eloise doesn't look up, but she can tell Margot's amused. 'Yeah, what of it?'

Shakes her head, 'I just- nothing. It's a bit weird?'

She leans against the seat across from her. Eloise looks up at her, her eyes intense.

'It's an inanimate object,' Margot bites her lip, 'why name it?'

Eloise looks back down at her book, and Margot thinks she's ignoring her, or didn't hear her question, or-

'It's like a friend, y'know? A companion. I keep it with me all day everyday, I never go anywhere without it, it's always on, it's forever with me. The better question is, why not name it?'

Her features are obvious now; grey blue eyes and sandy blonde hair that curls a little at the end of her ponytail. Margot gives her a small smile.

'That's- uh-' she always makes her stutter, 'that's a really good point you've got there.'

She doesn't realise how long they're like this, just with each other, but suddenly, it's late and they're the only people in the cafe, and how can Eloise do this to her, every time she sees her?

Eloise helps Margot pack up, placing the chairs on top of the tables like she's done it a million times before, sweeps the floor even though she isn't asked to.

They step out onto the street, and as Margot locks the door, El gently plays with a curl that has tumbled free from her ponytail. Margot turns to her, and they're close. Eloise leans into her, like she's going to kiss her, but she stops. Her face is only an inch away from Margot's, and she turns her head into Margot's hair, closes her eyes and breathes her in.

A shiver runs through Margot; it's almost like a cold wind, but the night is still. And Eloise is so close to her now.

Margot bites her lip again, her eyes fluttering closed.

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