The Missing Girl

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Have you ever fell into a trap what you might not think is one.

I Have Billions of times i always thought i was loved but no more I ran away from home and that is how my story has began.It started on the 26th of July near my sisters birthday,she opened her gifts and she loved them but something unfortunate happened 4 years later,something i can never get out of my head.

after school i came near home mom and dad was out shopping all i could hear was terrible screames,screames i can not handle again,I open the door and the killer was no where to be seen i saw my sister with a nife in her heart and blood everywhere I gone up to her,I only knew how to cheak her pulse,i cheaked her pulse nothing was happerning,Her blue eyes always looked like a crystal to us but then the crystal always gets stolen from the owner but my sister was no crystal she was a human,her eyes slowley closed i felt alone and unloved,my perants came home i would not know what  to tell them i was sitting there with blood coverd on my hands.We all gatherd around my sister,we all started crying untill my dad could not take it.

i had to sleep in our room i see the bed standing there but everytime i try to close my eyes i hear my poor sister calling for help and then the screames and that is how the first day happend.

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