
10 1 0

War is coming

Warriors stand foot

Powers ignite

Defend if you must

Protect yourselves from the enemy

Because if not

This is the end for us



This story is written by fiction. Names, characters, places, incidents, business and events are either the author's imagination or use by fictious manner. Any resemblace to actual persons, living or died, or actual events is purely coincidental.

This is an english story. If you want to read this story please don't judge the plot or characters because this is my first written story.

This story also has some typos so read at your own risk.

And please don't ever copy my story please I am begging you don't copy my story. I have made this story with my imagination so please don't copy my story, if you do I will totally punish yiu so please don't and if you ever see someone copy or has the some plot as mine please tell me because I will punish them. So please don't I'm begging you don't.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2018 ⏰

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