chapter 3

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"W-what?" I managed to say, I had so many questions but didnt know where to start.

"I am here to protect you... at first I wasnt planning on changing out of the cat form but then I realised you opened a can of worms... now a bunch of low class demons want to eat you" he sighed

I didnt know what to say, my head was trying to wrap around all this "demons? Kill me?" I fell onto my bed face first and groaned into my blanket "why me?"

Minx laid down onto his back and put his hands behind his head, one knee up with his other leg ontop of it. "Im guessing you by all the types of demons trying to get you... you summoned a high class demon that was asleep"

"I haven't summoned anythi-- oh god... I did a ritual to summon something but I thought it was fake..." I said, my voice muffled in my blanket as I clench my s/c coloured fists

Minx sighed "not many rituals are real... so I understand how you would have thought that... but maybe next time dont do it even if it IS fake..." he looked over at me.

All i could do was pushed my head deeper into my bed "but why do things want to eat me?" My voice was muffled from the blanket

"Well.. it does take alot of spiritual energy to summon a high classed demon.... so they see you as a really good snack" I could feel him shrug  "well lesson learned I guess..."

I put my head up and looked at him "you aren't very like-able..."
"Im not trying to be LIKE-ABLE" he growled, venom in his words which sent shivers down my spine

"Sorry..." I say and sit up.
Minx sighed "no... im sorry.. im just hungry because you decided to take a damn nap before feeding me breakfast"
"Thats why you sound so cold?!" I stand up completely dumbstruck
"Of course... cats get grumpy when hungry.." he stood up making him tower over me.

I went to say something but was cut off by my stomach growling loudly, my face began to turn red "fine... I'll go cook breakfast"
Immediately minx face lit up at the word breakfast "hell yeah!" Before I knew it he was already running to the kitchen. I shook my head and sighed "now I wish I drowned... shopping just got alot more expensive..." I walked out of my room and stopped once I was across from the bathroom, my body stiff as I recalled what happened. "Y/N!! Cmon im hungry!" Minx's voice snapped me out of my trance, I shook my head to get rid of the memories and walked downstairs.

*small time skip*

I placed two plates of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast on the table along with two glasses of orange juice.

I sat down in my spot and of course minx was already digging into his food, his expression filled with pure bliss and joy "this is delicious!! So much better than the cat food thats for sure!!" He yelled with his mouthful, I wouldn't be surprised if he choked. "Dont talk with your mouthful" I couldnt help but giggle at how childishly he looked at me, he drank some juice "me? Talk with my mouthful? I would never!" He joked making us both laugh, I haven't had a good laugh in years.

"Wow i didnt know you could laugh!" He grinned triumphantly "and i didnt know you were a demon" he looked disgusted at the word demon "i am in no way shape or form one of those horrid creatures, I'm merely a familiar of suits" he went back to eating his breakfast.

"Oh im sorry, so what is your real name" i awkwardly play with my food now feeling bad for hurting his feelings.

"I prefer minx... since it is the only name someone has called me... but as for my real name" he paused, he seemed to be contemplating whether he should tell me or not. After a few minutes of silence he took another mouthful of orange juice "Aamon..." he sighed not seeming to like the name.

"Thats an interesting name, but why do you prefer minx?" I said pushing my plate aside, minx shrugged "it just feels more fitting you know?" He eyed down my have eaten breakfast "you gonna finish that?" He said as he looked up at more curiously "no you can have it" he smiled happily and took the plate, he ate the rest of his breakfast then what was left of mine.

'Yep i can already tell that my food bills just tripled' I thought to myself but none the less, i was happy to have company.

(Sorry for the short chapter DX i have had constant headaches lately and its been hard to write also because of school!! But also sorry if my bad spelling and stuff annoys you, i have dyslexia :/ so im very sowwwwyyyyy)

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