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      My name is Havinnie. I am 18 years old and I am a hardcore directioner.I 'm currently writing a one direction fanfic. I was finishing up my last sentence for the last chapter *as he leaned right about to kiss me I turned away cause I knew it wasn't right*

       I had a pretty good life me and my best friend Ema would usually spend our weekends over each others  houses obsessing about one direction.I always enjoyed updating cause its just cool that lots of people are reading a book that you published. I have also met some realy good friends on Wattpad like one person harryulikey but we talk alot.

      "dude past me popcorn" I shouted at Ema

"get it yourself you little potatoe"

aaaaaaaaaaa I pulled myself out ofmy comfy bean bag chair to the   kitchen.

     "i cant beleive your dad scored us theese amazayn  tickets" Ema praised.

"i know right " 

"you came over my house to help me pack so help me pack." scolded Ema

"actually I really came over here for the snacks,but i guess i can help."


    After we packed we went to bed because we had along day tommorrrow.

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