A Person Who Knows Me But Doesn't Know Me

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A person who knows me but doesn’t know me is my best guy friend. I met him through other friends in beginning of high school, and throughout high school, I felt like I became close to him. I consider him one of my closest friends.

I felt like I could tell him almost anything and know that he’d be there for me. He knows my personality, how I’m shy and quiet. When I hung out with him and other friends after school, I would just sit or stand near by watching them, not really saying much. He knew what was going on at home after Sandy hit. He knew my house got damaged by Sandy and that I had to stay at a motel with my family for a few days. He helped me get through Sandy just calling me and texting me every day. He knew what was going on at home when it came time for me to move. He knew that I was depressed or that something was wrong just by looking at my face. He knew how to make me feel better most of the time when I was upset. I could always turn to him when I had a problem, and he knew what to say. When I was left out of what my friends were doing after school, he’d try to get me to join in. He invited me to join him and my other friends at the park near the school when no one else did. He knew how to make me feel like a part of the group.

Along with everything that he does know about me, there are a lot of things he doesn’t know. He doesn’t know about the thoughts I’ve had last year and sometimes still have about hurting myself or suicide. He doesn’t know that just talking to him would help me feel better when I feel depressed. He doesn’t know how much it hurts when I try texting him when I need someone to talk to and he doesn’t answer. He doesn’t know how much I miss talking to him everyday like we did last year. He doesn’t know how much I miss him since we graduated and went off to different colleges. He doesn’t know how happy I was just seeing him at alumni day at high school in November. How it made me feel like I was back in high school and nothing changed, like it hasn’t been a few months since I last saw him. And the hardest part is, he doesn’t know I like him.

There is no conclusion because I’m still feeling this.

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