Chapter 1: Letting go

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*Again another major spoiler warning. And there is some language and suggestive themes in this story,
I hope you enjoy!  -stardust*


I look down at the gun. So many things are going though my mind right now.

This thing in my hand could change literally everything.

I look over at Jessica and Justin and saw the fear in their eyes and quickly look back at the gun

I could see her again. Kiss her again. Touch her again. I could be happy again...

I looked over at Jess and Justin again and saw the fear but also compassion in their eyes. They truly cared for me.

As much as I want to Hannah... I can't join you

A tear started to roll down my face and I quickly wiped it away. I finally snapped back into reality and realized I still was holding the gun and the sirens were getting closer.


I finally put together the words he was saying and laid the rifle on the ground. I stumbled backwards into their embrace and saw the cops pull up right in front of us along with my parents.

This is gonna be just great. I hope Tony knocked some sense into Tyler, not literally


Justin and I closed the car door and walked into the house. We both didn't say a word on the way home. I think we are both trying to comprehend what the hell just happened. We walked up the stairs into my room and I sat on my bed facing Justin. We sat in silence for awhile until he broke the silence.

"I kissed Jess tonight..." he said looking at me with half a smile.

This night just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

"But I thought Jessica was with-" he cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

"I thought so too, but maybe she changed her mind?" He said with confusion. I was confused too but he continued talking.

"I heard you broke down in the middle of the dance floor tonight, what was that about? Does it have to do with Hannah?" He looked at me with empathy and immediately tears started to form in my eyes at the mention of her name. I started thinking about that moment at the dance when I heard our song.

That was the first time I heard our song since she...

I immediately cut off my own thought knowing I wouldn't be able to handle it.

"Something like that...' I said dryly not wanting to talk about it anymore because I knew if I did I would start crying uncontrollably and I've done more than enough of that tonight.

I looked over at the clock. 12:05 am. Is it that late already? Both of us changed out of our clothes and went to sleep. But I couldn't really fall asleep at that moment, my mind was racing with questions about what the hell went down tonight. And how the hell am I still alive right now. I took a deep breath as to reassure I was still alive. I was half grateful and half ungrateful.

What made Tyler go to THIS extent?

I tried to make justice of it in my head but I couldn't.

What the hell do we do now with him? Hide him? But where? It's not like I can hide another teenager in my room...

As this thought popped into my head I rolled over to face Justin to see him wide awake too. He must've been thinking about Jessica. I wonder what's going to happen between her and Alex now. Even I know she's still in love with Justin, there's no way she's gonna stay with Alex even if they are a thing. I rolled back over and let sleep takeover even though my thoughts were still racing.

(Echoing in the distance)


"I love you too, and I let you go."

I turn around to see Hannah looking at me.

God she looks beautiful as ever, I missed her voice...

She walked closer to me and grabbed my hand. A jolt of electricity went through my body and you could tell she felt the same way by her smile. I started to smile with tears in my eye.

"But you loved Justin and Zach too..." I said letting go of her hand letting my smile fade.

"How do I know you mean it...?" With tears falling down my face I started to walk away but she quickly grabbed my hand again and spun me around.

"But you never were afraid of what others would think Clay, you truly loved me. And I loved you." After she said those words she pulled me closer into a kiss. I was caught off guard.

I never thought I would be able to kiss her again

Knowing this would be the last time, I grabbed her waist and made the kiss deeper, filled with passion. As we both gasped for air she looked at me and smiled and I smiled back with tears in my eyes.

I wish I could do that everyday...

"I love you... and I let you go Clay." She looked at me with tears in her eyes repeating herself and let my hand go as her smile faded.

I took a few steps forward as to chase her but realized she was gone. Then I whispered under my breath,

"I love you too Hannah, and I let you go...."

(Echoing but becoming clearer)


I woke up to Justin shaking me frantically, it was all a dream...?

"What the hell man?" I said looking up at him wiping my eyes as there were tears in them from the dream.

"Breakfast is ready." He said smiling at me and quickly turning around to head down stairs.

I sat up trying to remember as much of the dream as possible.

Even though I let her go she wasn't ready to let me go

I smiled and quickly got up to head downstairs but looked over to the corner of my room to see Hannah's beanie sitting on the table near my bed.

I'll always miss you

I thought before I left the room and headed down the stairs to breakfast.


Thank you guys so much for the read I hope you enjoyed if you want me to write more comment and let me know! I'll probably do each chapter in someone else's perspective just cause I have so many ideas. Love you guys.

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