Chapter 1

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Malaysiaa POV

Every since that day my life became a living hell. I haven't seen my family in so many months. I haven't seen my boyfriend Kendrick in months. Life is torture. But my kidnapper is sexy as hell so that part isn't at bad. It all started because I got a ride home. But first let me introduce myself.

My name is Malaysiaa Cartsworth. I stand at a height of 5'3", I'm am 17 years of age, and I have a boyfriend named Kendrick Allens. I'm mixed , mixed with African-American, Puerto Rican, Dominican, New Orleans. My mom is Puerto Rican &&' New Orleans and my dad is Dominican &&' African-American. My hair is long it touchs down tp my butt and is black with blonde tips on the half ends of my hair. I have no siblings I'm the only child. But there is a good side about that because I get everything I ask for. Kendrick and I have been together for almost 11 months. Oh and my rachet big booty bestfriend Aniliyaa Sanchez. But thats me.

It was releasing time from school and I was walking home because I live just 10 minutes away. I was walking along the sidewalk when a black Chevy pick-up truck pulled beside me. He rolled down his window and I stopped and he stopped his truck.

"Damn.... Ma what a fine ass girl like you doing walking where yoo whipp ?" said the man.

"First of all, I have a whip I just choose to walk."

"Damn my bad ma just tryingg to keep you safe" said the man.

"Thank you for asking but I'll be on my way buh bye now" (starts to walk off)

"Wait Ma Wait can you at least let me drive you home ?" said the man

"Sure but try nothing"

"I won't" the man said.

I hopped in the truck and he drove off I told him where I lived. As he driving I was staring at him and he was fine as hell. His complexion was like caramel and he had his bottom grill. He had a white and gold bucket hat on. I guess he was talking because his N.O accent was strong as so fuck and it was sexy too. He had his shades on so I couldn't realy figure out who he was and his bucket hat was down over his eyes.

"Ayee Ma you listening ?"

"Oh yeah what you say thoee ?"

"Which is the house ?"

"You ain't there yet."

"Okay (drives past a big white house white 2 Porshe's one white one black and a black Lambo)"

"Thats my house back up"

"The one with 2 Porshe's and Lambo ?"

"Yep it is and thank you for the ride." (starts to get out the car but gets pulled back in)

"Wait I didn't catch you name Ma."

"Its Malaysiaa and heres my number (takes his phone off his lap and puts number in)"

"Well I'm August , August Alsina and here's my number (takes her phone and puts his number in)"

When he said he was August Alsina i tried so hard to not freak out. So i sat there and played it off but i was still cheesing hard and then he gave me my phone. Then I felt a sharp pain in my left thigh. I looked at my thigh and a needle was poking out of my thigh. After that everything went black I was knocked out.

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