Before You Read

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Hello!!! I just wanted to get a couple of things cleared up before you read, don't worry, won't take up a lot of your time.

My updating schedule will be every two weeks on the Friday. Every chapter will be between 1000 and 3000 words. 

The theme song of this book is Twisted by Misso. It will be right up at the top of every chapter if you want to check it out. 

Yes, Reign Kennedy is the main female lead and she is 17. 

Yes, Aaron Dixon is the main male lead and he is 34. 

The law of my country states : Once a person turns the age of sixteen they can have sexual relations with whoever and whatever he/she likes, as long as its not a person of trust (ie: a parent, teacher, coach, or boss) 

While yes, Aaron does represent a boss like figure he isn't actually Reign's boss so no laws broken there. 

As for the court hearing, for those who don't know, if a minor close to the age of eighteen has convicted a crime large enough they can and most probably will be tried as an adult in adult court, some end up going to jail and some stuck with community service. While a person who is stuck in the position of community service is usually on parole and has a PO, I'm a somewhat of a lazy writer and I don't want to have to go through that hassle, but hey at least I'm honest. 

Also, this is work of my pure and earnest imagination , any relation to any places, any persons living or dead are completely accidental. 

And any retribution or copyment of this story without the authors written form of consent is punishable by law. Retribution includes; technical, mechanical and/or physical.

Although I do speak English, and I do edit my work, I am not perfect and I will make silly mistakes and then skip over those silly mistakes you guys as my readers can just let me know in the comment section and then I will go back in, and make the simple edit. Also if you guys have any suggestions on how to make this book better that would be greatly appreciated.   

While I am not going to be one of those writers that bag for votes and comment i will say vote if you liked it, and comment any suggestions, or constructive feedback, I would love to hear from you guys every once in a while. 

Okay, now that I have taken enough of your time... Happy reading! 

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