A: A
After: Afterb
Again: Goday, gweb
Ain't: Bonk, vong
All: O, on
Always: Bala
Am: Yam
And: En, n', see, ai
Annie: Nannie
Anyway: Zoleysto
Apart: Azartn
Are: Blar
Arms: Zarms
Around: Aro
Aspirin: Aprisina
At'cha: Zeya
Baby: Nooboo
Back: Burb, liv
Bang: Zay
Bar: Ba
Be: Be
Become: Belomb
Been: Ba
Before: Nifoo
Behind: Bahi
Believe: Baree
Best: Best
Big: Wib
Bit: Bit
Bitch: Brich
Bite: Wib
Body: Fita
Bored: Bore
Boy: Birb
Box: Box
Brazil: Zabril
Break: Blay
Bye: Dag-Dag, Su-Su
Car: Charbling, ka, kra
Card: Car
Careful: Crufil
Change: Chig
Chasing: Jaykee
Chicken: Icka
Chicks: Chims
City: Ciba
Clutch: Claps
Coast: Kroas
Cold: Cou
Come: Mumf
Cooler: Kooba
Cow: Zow
Credit: Crabit
Cry: Na
Damn: Dwam
Dance: Bular
Dead: Due
Desire: Rinzai
Die: Rie
Direction: Dirnomix
Do: Zoon
Doctor: Doctorb
Dominos: Dobbinips
Don't: Sall
Down: Dib, do
Dudes: Shoos
Dull: Crull
East: Slinch
'Em: Ee
Ever: Bese
Everyday: Ebzeedray
Everything: Eberythonk, ebeytarrnk
Exactly: Exactly
Expensive: Dura
Face: Fwace
Fail: Flail
Fall: Fool
Fame: Flame
Fast: Kast
Feel: Pree, feeb
Fights: Zights
Fever: Kadoopa
Fire: Merbe, faiyer
Flip: Flib
Flow: Plurbs
Fly: Ply
For: Wi
For you: Dense
Forgot: Fergoop
Freeway: Fribnay
Friday: Froobie
Friend: Fem
Fuck: Gruck, nuck
Fucking: Foobee
Fulfilled: Fufeemed
Get up: Levamosay
Girl: Goo, gur, gurn
Gives: Zay
Go: Gwo, no, nurbs, zo
Gonna: Habba
Good: Hana
Got: Gua
Gotta: Tunke
Grip: Greeb
Hard: Nard
Has: Has
Hate: Duna
Headache: Heedape
Heart: Harb, hork
Hell: Gwelk
Hello: Bonichita, keely, su-su, su, dag-dag
Hen: Parrina
Here: Eeb, hur, neeb
Hicks: Bims
High: Fweebe
Hit: Lit
Hold: Hoob
Home: Jom
Hot: Boksh, hatzi
Hound: Ba
How: Zow
Hungry: Hubny
I: A, blay, nor, wanobi wa
If: Af
I'll: Ah
I'm: Ma, mor
Is: Is
It: Niz
I've: Oo
Just: Joo
Keeping up: Keymana
Know: Know
La: La
Last: Lass
Late: Shang, blees
Later: Mempla
Left: Beft
Let's: Li
Lies: Libe
Life: Smife
Light: Dibawi
Lights: Dights
Like: Lak, leek, curfa
Live: Smive
Louis: Mouis
Love: Loob
Lover: Luba
Machete: Mashempe
Machine: Masheen
Made: Mabe
Make: Mook
Mario: Nario
Maybe: Mido
Me: Me, nee, be
Met: Meeb
Middle: Mizza
Mind: Moond
Money: Simols, Simoleons
Month: Skebi
Move: Oonk
Moving: Oonka
My: Zy
Near: Geer
Need: Nep
Never: Neeba, neeblee
Nervous: Nervee
Night: Noop, ny, noo
No: Zo
Not: Vas, mat
Nothing: Eba
Now: Nao
Other: Obba
Off: Naf
One: Mik
Online: Obline
Only: Obly
Oh: Oh
Own: Omb
Phony: Perfa
Play: Plotz
PlayStation: PaySteysha
People: Lepa
Perfect: Perfe, pepe
Pretty: Liga, pipty
Prophecy: Propasy
Pure: Upa
Purpose: Fweemi
Racing: Raykee
Raise: Raes
Rap: Zap
React: Rezact
Ready: Ribba
Real: Real
Really: Turne, really
Reflection: Durhoomic
Relationship: Reblootionship
Right: Rooks, Flyb
Round: Ah
Run: Rooks
Said: Sab
Saturday: Zurbaday
Self: Suf
Sexy: Nexy
Sick: Zick
She: She
Shall: Shaba
Shelf: Dunk
Shit: Deez, ziz
Skip: Ski
Sleep: Sib
Short: Short
Slowly: jobe
Smile: Spile
So: Soo
Soften: Zoften
Song: Swa
Spatula: Bajula
Spectacular: Zwijjajula
Start: Star, stobba
Starts: Storbza
Stereo: Neezo
Stop: Prosh
Story: Shoobe
Success: Soocses
Sun: Sah
Sure: Shnir
Table: Dable
Talk: Tawb
Taught: Zaught
Telephone: Toobaflonk
Test: Tost
That: Nai, tap, ebe, vat
The: Ah, ba, ka, na
Them: Een
Then: Fab
Than: Tel
There: Bwapes
They: Bee
This: Liz, tis
Think: Zeeki
Though: Sho
Three: Maka
Time: Deeb, baim
To: Ba, ni
Tonight: Minnai, shinnoib
Town: Ta
Track: Tark
Train: Hain
Try: Ty
Two: Mak
Underneath: Umbaleez
Up: Char
Vanity: Yamazee
Very: Very
Vutton: Bitton
Walk: Lawk
Wanna: Wobba
Want: Van, wob
Wanted: Woskee
Way: Nib, way
We: Bee, nee, zeeg
Wear: Dow
What: Zib
Who: Voo
Why: Zy
Will: Ma
Wire: Nire
With: Wib
World: Whurg
Worst: Zorst
Yeah: Ye, yibs
Yet: Zet
You: A, ma, noo, re, see, voo, yee
Young: Yoo
Your: Abrina bo, fweeb
Yours: Vores
Yourself: Dabunk
My Simlish Dictionary
Non-FictionI play The Sims a lot and sometimes I wonder what my Sims say, so here is My Simlish Dictionary! I am always updating this so make sure to keep checking back!