chapter 4

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~Narrator's pov~

After breakfast minx decided to take a nap on the couch while Y/n washed the dishes. 'Such a help he is' she sighed as she thought to herself.

while washing the dishes Y/n began to get dizzy, her thoughts clouded her mind and everything around her became dark, the water in the sink began to look blood red which snapped her out of her thoughts. 'What the hell?' Y/n's heart rate to pick up.

Little giggles and snickers could be heard in the back of her mind, Y/n began to shake as she tried to move back from the sink but couldn't, it was just like in her dream, she was paralyzed and all she could do was whimper and look through the corner of her eyes.

~your pov~

"Why so stiff princess?" The male voice from my dream could be heard. "You look like you have seen a ghost~" (*my friend deleted one space then asked for credit calling me a pleb*) the voice sounded as if he was everywhere but no where at the same time.

"G-go away you aren't r-real" I said trying to hide my fear, my mouth was stiff but I could still just barely talk.

The man growled "now did the cat not explain your situation? Because I am definitely real and I am definitely interested in you".

'interested in me? What did he mean?' My eyes flickered back and forth before i finally spoke up. "What do you mean you are interested in me?" From the corner of my eye i could see hundreds of glowing eyes each filled with a hungry look.

"Patience Pet, you will find out in due time" before i could respond two cold hands grabbed my shoulders "Boo".

I screamed and dropped a plate onto the ground as i crouched down and hugged my knees, everything was back to normal but i couldn't help but fear for my life.

"What happened?!" I heard minx run into the kitchen as he yelled out in concern but I couldnt speak all I could do was cry into my knees 'go away go away go away' was all I could think.

Minx picked me up and I struggled at first "NO DON'T TOUCH ME" I yelled "Y/n calm down its just me..." he said quietly, I looked at the odd eyed man and hugged him tightly, I suddenly began to feel alot safer as minx held me.

"You can tell me what happened when you calm down... okay?" He walked over to the couch with me in his arms, all i did in reply was nod. He sat down but kept me in his arms, my once heavy breathing now leveled and normal.

*mini time skip*

Once i was calmed down i had told minx what happened while he was napping.

"Fuck... i knew I should have stayed awake..." he was laying down with me ontop of him. "Its fine..." i mumbled into his warm chest, "no its not... you are lucky you didn't get hurt!" He sighed.

"Okay... how about we go out lunch today? My treat" he said kindly. "Really?" I looked up at him with the look of curiosity plaging my face. "Yep, we can go wherever you want to eat and even walk around town, lets just get you out of the house for the rest of the day" he smiled.

I nodded  "okay.."

*another tiny mini time skip*

We were walking through the  park to the cafè near by, the sky was slightly overcast and the grass damp from the sprinklers. "It's a nice day today isn't it?" I said as i looked up at minx who was looking up at the sky unhappily "it looks like it will rain... i hate water.." he mumbled causing me to giggle "You're acting like a cat" he looked at me and rolled his eyes "i wonder why" he chuckled.

Once at the cafe we made our way inside "it's so warm in here" even though it was summer the weather recently had been rather cold and damp. Minx looked around "so you come here often?" I nodded my head in response "okay go find us a seat I'll get us some coffee and something to eat" he said as he ruffled my hair "okay" i hit his hand away and went to look for a seat 'you know he isn't so mean after all' i chuckled at the thought of him being nice and found us a spot by a window

(Sorry for the short chapter)

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