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This is for y'all who either haven't read or forgotten the previous story or if ya want to know what the stories about!

Marinette and Adrien are married and around 20 with three kids that are 7,3, and 5 months. (In order of age: Emma, Hugo, and Louis) Marinette and Adrien have defeated Hawkmoth and shown their identities to the public and are living out in a house close to the city. Marinette is a famous fashion designer and Adrien is basically a stay at home mom that occasionally models clothes for Mari.

-New things not in my other book that y'all should probably know-

•This story takes place about 10 years from when I left off so Emma's 17, Hugo's 13, and Louis is 10 while Adrien and Mari are in their 30s.

•Marinette and Adrien don't know that Jessica's dead or that she was pregnant, they lost touch of her when she moved away and have forgotten about her b/c of all the business with having kids and a big business and all, but Alya and Nino know.

•Alya and Marinette have lost touch but they both still live in the city, same thing w/ Adrien and Nino.

•Adrien and Mari still have their Miraculous' but don't wear them. The kids know about them but don't think it's as big of a deal as it was. (They thought it was a club or dress up thing or something)

•Master Fu is still alive and has the butterfly Miraculous

•This was written based on the info from season one so no Rena Rouge (i think that's what her name is, the Fox Miraculous, instead we had Alya who was Esprit Fox)

•Marinette has a good relationship with her parents and they visit constantly, but Adrien has no connections to his side of the family

And I think that's it. I will probably be updating this list and the title constantly, so please stick to it!

I also want to apologize to all of the people who read all of my works. I have a lot of books I'm working on and not a lot of time to update them so I can promise all updates will be slow, but hopefully existent.

I congratulate y'all who have read this far, I probably wouldn't have! 😂

To shake things up for this book, instead of a Random Fun Fact, I'll ask/answer random questions, please comment your answers!!!

RQ(Random Question): What is your zodiac sign?

I am an Aquarius ♒️.

Love ya guys! 🦄


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