Daddy's Home

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"Let's go out and celebrate! Come on boss, drinks on me!", K.C said happily from the driver's seat. Money sat beside him in the passenger seat, smiling broadly. They had a organized meeting with the Grizz Front Gang to call a truce. But just as Money expected it was a trap. And he had his men ready for that trap.

They planned to meet at midnight out in the desert. And as soon as they arrived there was an air of anxiousness about the G.F.G. Money knew then and there, it was a setup. The leader of G.f.G, a man named Miles, didn't truly want a truce so they could team up and work on taking out the Jade Angel Brotherhood. He just used that as a front to get Money there. But it backfired terribly. Money had his men ready, and though the meeting was set to last until two or three A.M. within just twenty minutes of arriving, the G.f.G tried to attack, getting themselves killed in the process. And getting Money all the guns they had on them in the process.

The guns and lack of trouble from G.F.G would make his life much easier when it came to dealing with his main rivals, The Jade Angel Brotherhood. The gang was now wel armed to go against Miles Shovek

One threat eliminated, and he walked away with none of his men dead and all the G.F.G's gear. It was a good night indeed.

"Take me home. You boys go out and celebrate. Molly took the kids to her mother's house for the night. Corrine decided to stay home and is waiting for me. I don't want my baby girl worrying any longer than she has to", he said, reaching in to his pocket and pulling out a few hundred dollar bills.

"And drinks on me!", he smirked, handing the money to K.C. "You men did incredible tonight. Seven casualties on their part, not one on our's. I'm proud of all of you!", he said to the van of people.

"Thanks boss!", one of his guys named Dean said, clapping him on the shoulder from the backseat.

"We couldn't have done it without your lead", another young man named Howie said.

"Home sweet home", Money smiled as the van pulled up to his house. "I'll see you all tomorrow, bright and early, we gotta inventory these weapons".

And with that, after giving a few fist bumps and high fives, he gathered his things from the van and made his way towards his front door, knowing his daughter would likely be awake and a nervous wreck waiting for him. 

"Cori! Baby! I'm back!", he said, walking in to the door. The living room television was on but Corinne was nowhere to be seen. Anxiety rose in him. He didn't like that she had stayed back by herself. The whole point of Molly taking the kids was if any other gang knew Money wouldn't be home, they could come to the house while he was away. But he hadn't found out about Corinne begging her mother to stay until he was already out to the desert. And now, he worried. What if another rival group knew of his meeting with the G.F.G and showed up at the house? What if they found Corinne watching t.v. and took off with her somewhere? He saw the upstairs hall light on, and made a beeline for her bedroom, sighing with relief when he heard music playing from within her room. But he had to make sure she was truly in there and safe.

"Hey, baby I'm ho-", he said, pushing the door open, but before he finished speaking there was a loud gasp.

"Alex stop! Get off!", came Corinne's voice as she shoved a figure off herself, sitting up quickly and saying "Dad! What are you doing here! You aren't supposed to be home yet!".

"What the fuck!", he roared. "What the fuck!". His hand reached for the light switch.

"No, don't turn on the li-", Corinne began but it flicked on. And the moment it did she saw the absolute rage register on her father's face. She quickly grabbed her shirt and pulled it over herself.

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