Laying curled up on a smooth stone ledge I watched with mild annoyance as the cluster of dwarfs mined into the cave further, making another home for it's inhabitants. The sound of half a dozen pickaxes on stone was not pleasant. I leaped down, startling the group. They watched me with expressions ranging from fear to distrust. I walked pass them with pride. I was the only Tabaxi in the entire cave. I was was blessed with eyes as green emeralds meant to see through a moonless night in the deepest of forests, not a dwarf's endless tunnels in a cave. I wandered to the mouth of the cave and desended down the mountain to the treeline. I flexed my claws, with ease I sank them into the bark and climbed to the top. Taking a deep breath of the crisp, fresh air I took in everything around me. I could see forest and distant creeks and rivers. I could hear the birds chirping and singing to me. Feeling the wind ruffle my white fur I closed my eyes. It was so peaceful out here. I was chosen to protect this forest, and places like it. The faint blowing of a horn from inside the cave interrupted my thoughts. I sighed, I would have to think of my destiny later. I hurried down and ran to the fading echoes of the horn.
Mortal Gods: The Story of Us
FantasyThe world was lost. Black smoke rose from the towns and cities as dragons burned the buildings and those without a place to hide while monsters pillaged and slaughtered the rest leaving thriving communities as ghost towns in the great war. This is a...