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Nothing is worse than going to a new school. This one will be my seventh in two years. I've never really had one place to stay, my God  parents move around to much so I just end up going with them with only a little knowledge of what was going on in school; not like I gave a shit anyway, I had no friends that I have to leave behind so it was always easy to go and leave the city/town.

I woke to the sound of my older God  brother yelling as loud as my alarm clock "cmon Daewhi get up your going to be late for your first day of school!"  I shifted groggily in my bed and faced him, "You know what Hansol school can suck my dick." He looked at me with shock in his brown eyes, he grazed his hand through his hair and sighed "Daewhi you shouldn't be talking like that you know, Morah won't like it." I sat up and took my pillow throwing it at him; he dogged it like he always does, "honestly I could give a crap of what Morah said I'm 17 I'm old enough to make my own decisions." Hansol shook his head and walked over to my door, "you should get ready school starts in twenty and I'm making breakfast" he announced closing my door lightly.

I yawned and scratched my head messing up my wavy brown hair even more, I got out of my bed pushing my light baby blue duvet out of the way. I went to my bathroom and looked myself in the mirror; light wavy brown hair that was hard to manage, Aqua green eyes the colour of the sea that didn't match my Korean eyes whatsoever, naturally red lips and cheeks, and my worst flaw my freckles. I sighed and pulled out my makeup bag and started dabbing concealer over my bags under my eyes and covering the freckles, next was the eyeshadow and mascara; I looked my self in the mirror and smiled 'great another school I have to go to and stay at alone until we leave again, so Daewhi what is the point of getting all fancied up again?' I shook of the thought and walked back into the bedroom and to my closet. Nothing much than my normal black clothes, I pulled out a pair of blacked ripped jeans and a grey and white stripped shirt, I slipped them on and put on a white jean jacket to complete the outfit. Pulling my hair into a quick messy bun; I ran out of my room and downstairs where Morah my god mother and Jinyoung  my god father were seated at the table. "Morning" I said grabbing a seat at the table with my purse laying on the floor by the entry way, "how was your sleep last night Daewhi?" Asked Morah: I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed a piece of toast off the centre of the table and quickly put it into my mouth "same as always I guess, I slept if that's what you're asking" I mumbled out dropping a few crumbs onto the table, "that's not what we were asking Daewhi, we were wondering if you had any nightmares" Jinyoung pointed out.

I shook my head and thought for a moment 'I haven't had any different dreams than the ones about him, but they don't need to know about that do they?' I just shook my head "nope nothing remotely interesting" I assured them, they looked at me and between themselves not buying my facade. "Daewhi hurry up and finish your toast I'm not driving you and having you be late on your first day" Hansol announced grabbing his car keys and my purse, I sighed and placed my crust back in the plate and excused myself, "bye Morah, bye Jinyoung I'll see you later tonight?" I asked; Morah just nodded. I followed Hansol to the door and slipped on my grey converse and walked out of the door. The one thing I adore about Hansol was his love for old cars; he was driving me to school today in a 69 doge charger and let me tell you what a beauty. I got into the passenger seat and buckled my seat belt "here we go another useless  day at a school I don't want to go to!" I cried as Hansol got into the car and put his keys in the ignition, "it will be fine Daewhi maybe you'll make friends this time" he said. I looked out the window as he pulled out onto the street "I hope"

I hope you all like this first chapter, this is the first time I haven't written something on a piece of paper so it might be a bit bad and I'm sorry for the spelling but it will get better, anyway byyyyeeee my lovelies🖕🏻🖕🏻

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