21 1 2

Louis sighed, listening to Harry ramble about Austin.

Here's what you need to know. Harry and Louis had practically been friends since birth. Their mothers were best friends, and were also nurses in the same hospital, so Louis met Harry just over a month after he had been born, on Harry's birthday.

And maybe he had been in love with him since the eighth grade. But Harry didn't need to know that.

He looked up as Harry started to laugh softly, glancing at his phone screen and seeing that he was texting his boyfriend. He sighed, fumbling with his fingers as his best friend ignored him, too absorbed in his other conversation.

The thing was, though, that Harry had been with Austin for two years, and he was totally and completely in love with him. Now Louis couldn't really blame him for bringing up the boy all the time, if Louis were really in love with someone, he'd probably do the same thing. If he were with Harry, for example, he'd brag about the boy's accomplishments and make sure everyone knew that he, Louis Tomlinson, was the luckiest guy in the world.

But he wasn't with Harry, and he certainly didn't care about Austin, so really he didn't give two shits.

"Hey," he finally interrupted, "do you want to watch a movie?"

Harry looked up, and immediately looked guilty when he realized he had been ignoring Louis, and tossed his phone to the side.

"Sure," he nodded, "what did you have in mind?"

"Scary movie?" Louis suggested.

Part of him really did want to watch The Conjuring, but the other part just wanted Harry to get scared so he'd snuggle closer.

That was another thing. No boyfriend, not even Austin, could keep Harry and Louis from being the way they were with each other. Louis knew it bothered Austin how touchy they were sometimes, but in Louis' mind, he had cuddled Harry long before Austin and he'd be doing it for long after.

"Okay," Harry agreed reluctantly, and got comfortable under the blankets while Louis popped the DVD in to play.

Louis joined Harry on the bed, slipping under the blanket with him, and immediately accepted the curly headed boy snuggling close to him, so close that he could smell his scent of limes and fresh, flowery, summer breezes, and something that he could never quite associate with anything other than just Harry.

"Do you want to sleep over?" Louis murmured, watching as the girl on the telly hit her head against a wardrobe.

"Obviously," Harry smiled, his hand gripping the front of Louis' shirt.

They both had a drawer full of clothes at each other's houses, along with a toothbrush, and even an extra set of all their other hygiene supplies, like their favorite shampoos and colognes and deodorants.

Yeah, they were with each other a lot.

The though made Louis a bit smug. Yes, Austin had Harry's heart - the one thing Louis didn't. But he'd never have that special bond that Louis had had with Harry since he was a child, or the knowledge of every single one of the boy's tiny details, or all the inside jokes and distant memories. Yes, Austin was seemingly in love with Harry, but Louis had that too. In all honesty, Louis had a theory that everyone was at least a little in love with Harry. How could they not be?

Louis was just a lot in love.

He broke away from his thoughts when Harry jumped slightly, hiding his face in Louis' shoulder as suspense built in the move. He was about to smile, but it turned into a grimace when Harry's phone started to ring.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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