The starter

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"Mummy, aca tak nak lah. Nanti yang lelaki semua gatal" kata aq dalam perjalanan ke kolej.

"Alaaa dinner tu sekejap aje. You just meet, greet and eat" said my mum

"Like i don't know you tryin to match me huh?"

"But plea--"

"Please mummy, i'm tired. It's been like 5 dates already" kata aq sambil mengeluh

*tiba di kolej*

*tengah dengar bebelan prof. Ku*

Nama yang diberi ialah Marsya binti Haironnine, aq tak de lah kaya nak mampos tapi everything i ask, i surely got it. So these few weeks, my mum betul2 bersungguh nak cari jodoh aq. Kejap anak doktor, kejap anak dato and even worse she try to set me up with her bestfriend's son. Aq bukan apa, it just that i'm 19 and its too early plus susah kot nak fokus marriage and study in one time.

Back to bebelan prof, aq tengah conteng kertas cuz otak memang tak leh nak function time pagi so instead of bagi fake hope kt cikgu yang kita faham, better tunjuk yang kita ni memang tak faham. So suddenly there's a man walk in..

Naim "Assalamualaikum everyone, i'm looking for Marsya Haironnine. Dia ada tak kat sini?"

And i was like what the f man? Aq tengah duduk depan kau do. Pastu tanya mana aq? So i stay quiet. And then prof tunjuk at me.

Naim "Oh you are the Marsya? Sorry for not recognizing. But follow me"

*Naim tarik tangan Marsya sampai bawak keluar hall*

"Kau sape? Tetibe masuk dalam, dengan tak kenal aq pastu tarik aq keluar? Kau fikir aq mainan ke?"

"Ok what ever, first of all kau ikut aq nanti kita setel" kata Naim.

Gosh that was super duper rude. Dah lah main tarik tangan orang and then suh ikut dia. Kau pikir kau BAPAK AYAM aq ke??

"Stop dude. I'm calling my mum" kata aq, maybe my mother ada explanation. Since like my mother tu kan tak habis habis nak jodoh kan aq je, manatau dia suruh ikut aq sampai kolej.

Suddenly laki tu took my phone and terus lari sampai kereta dia. And reaction aq apa lagi mestilah ikut dia sbb phone kot. One of the most valuable thing takkan nak biarkan je. Sebaik sampai je kat kereta..

Naim "sorry to do this but i have to" he really did dukung me and masukkan kat seat depan and pakaikan seatbelt.

What the f man. Tak cukup phone kena amik pastu kena sumbat dalam kereta. Goodjob gentleman.

*in the car*

Naim "so basically esok or lusa kita kahwin" katanya dengan senyuman

"WHAAAAAAAATTT???!!!" Jerit aq dalam kereta dia.

         *Ending of the starter*

Note from author: this is my first book to write so please show me some support. I really need it. Don't forget to vote!

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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