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Trigger warnings: Suicide and self-harm.

"We need to make more money!" I groan.

"Yes, yes, I know." Pheobe (based off of Pheobe from friends) mumbles. "Oh, I know!"

"What?" I ask.

"We could- oh, nevermind." She stops herself.

"Tell me!"

"I don't think there's a way we could turn ourselves into monkeys to join the circus!" She yells, and I look at her with a questioning face. "I don't know, one of my friends did it. They never told me how." She shrugged her shoulders.

"What the actual fuck?"

"Don't question me!"

"Fine. We need to make more money, though. If we don't, we're going to first be kicked out and second have nothing to eat or drink." Right after I say that, my phone starts to ring.

"Pick it up! It might be someone willing to turn us into monkeys!" Pheobe excitedly says.

"Shut up." I mumble and pick up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, Freak (I'm not sure why, but my name in here was Freak, just so you know). Want to come over? I know you're tight on money right now. I thought I could help a little." It was Ryuzaki (based off of L).

"Really?" My voice is filled with hope.

"Yeah. I have some drinks over here too." I can sense his smile through the phone. "We could all drink a little."

"That sounds amazing. Thank you so much!"

"No problem. I'll pick you up in five." He hangs up the phone.

"Who was that?" Pheobe asks excitedly.

"Ryuzaki! He's going to help us out!"

"Who the hell is Ryuzaki?"

"Oh, don't worry. You just aren't from the same universe." (THE FOURTH WALL HAS BEEN BROKEN)


"We're gonna get help!" I cheer and we both start jumping around.

A couple minutes later, Ryuzaki arrives in a limo. "Hey." He gets out and walks over to us. "Why are you so excited?"

"You're gonna help us!" I hug him tightly.

"Only a little bit." He sighs and pushes me away.

"I know, but it means so much!"

Pheobe looks him up and down and mumbles under her breath, "Damn you're a hot anime character..."

Pheobe and I both get into the limo and Ryuzaki starts to drive. We arrive at his house in only three minutes. He opens the doors for us and we get out. "Make yourselves at home."

"Ooh! Trampoline!" Pheobe runs over to a trampoline.

"You can take it if you'd like. I have no use for it." Ryuzaki sighs.

Pheobe starts jumping on the trampoline. I grab a bottle of some type of alcohol and start drinking. "Thank you again, Ryuzaki."

"No need to thank me. I'm just helping my friends."

Then Pheobe does a trick on the trampoline (I don't remember what it is, sorry). I laugh and take my phone out, starting to record. "Do it again, Pheobe!" Could getting a viral video give us enough money to live?

"What? Why?"

"Just do it!"

She sighs and does it again. She keeps on doing it, and I keep on laughing. Some people start to gather around. Ryuzaki is nowhere to be seen.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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