Part 1-Three Years

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Y/n p.o.v
It's been three years since we left.
We live in Maryland in an apartment near my favorite college. RJ plans for me to go to school there after I graduate.
I am now 17 but my birthday is coming up. I am going to school, working at a restaurant as a part-time waitress, and paying for food that we need so that RJ isn't paying for everything. I do all the shopping and errands so I can get the kids out of the house so RJ can work.
RJ is 18, doesn't go to school, works at the college as an assistant professor, and makes a lot of money. He mostly works at night, doing things for his boss. He doesn't really leave the apartment.
The kids are 7 years old. They would be only 3, but their age jumps are still not level. They are in first grade and go to school.

Back to reality.

I am in 7th hour, my last class in school, about 2 minutes until the bell rings for school to be over.
Mrs.Fountain is my teacher for this class. She is telling us what is an acceptable essay.
I have been so tired lately that I was daydreaming and falling asleep.
The bell rang and I jumped out of my seat to hurry up and get to my locker.
I didn't have any homework. So I just grabbed my bag, put my things away, put my phone in my pocket, then closed my locker.
I was almost out the door. Then I saw Mrs.Fountain waiting by the door I always exit.
"Excuse me, Y/n," Mrs.Fountain said.
"Yes?" I said as politely as I could.
"Would you like some help?" She asked.
"What?" I asked, confused.
"For your children. I can see you are very tired," She said.
"How do you know I have kids?" I asked.
"Don't worry about that. If you keep falling asleep in my class I will have no choice but to fail you," She said.
"I just need to go to sleep earlier," I said.
"There are people who can help you take care of your kids," She said taking out her phone.
"No. I'm fine. My cousin RJ and my 6 brothers are helping me. I have it under control," I said.
She put her phone back, "If you need help. I'm here."
I walked out of the school. I haven't had time to make more friends. I guess I don't want anymore either. I walked straight to my car.
I texted RJ and told him that I'm out of school and picking up the twins.
I drove to the elementary school where the twins go. I parked my car and waited for the school to let parents into the school.
Their school bell rang and the principal started to greet parents as they entered the building.
I grabbed my car keys and my phone. I walked up to the school but the principal stopped me.
"Aren't you a little to beautiful to be picking up kids?" He asked. He is about 21 years.
"Mr. Cummings don't mess with me. I thought there was something wrong," I giggled.
He laughed, "Sorry, Y/n. Let me show you where your wonderful kids are."
"Okay. Thank you," I followed behind him.
"Here they are," He stopped walking and pointed to them.
They were sitting with their friends. Then they ran into me.
"Mommy!" Tigrus yelled hugging my leg. Then she ran to Mr. Cummings.
"Guess what! Guess what!" CJ yelled pulling on my hand.
"What! What!" I said to CJ.
"Well I made a new friend. His name is Tommy," CJ yelled.
"That's awesome," I yelled too.
"There's more too!" He yelled.
"Can it wait til the car?" I asked.
"Yeah," he said.
"Tigrus? How was your day?" I asked.
"I'm up here Mom," Tigrus said giggling.
She was picked up by Mr.Cummings and smiling.
"Sorry. Want me to put her down?" He apologized and gestured to put her down.
"No. She loves it," I said.
"Mom, can I go play with Tommy?" CJ asked.
"Yes. Why don't you ask his Mom to come talk with me so he can come over sometime." I said.
He ran back to the other kids and started talking and playing
Mr. Cummings was throwing Tigrus into the air and catching her as she came down.
It made me happy to see her laughing and smiling.
"Your smile is beautiful," Mr. Cummings complimented.
"Thanks," I said.
Mr. Cummings smiled, then he put Tigrus down.
"Mommy, can we go home? I'm tired and I have to give Boo his card," Tigrus rubbed her eyes.
Boo is what Tigrus calls RJ. She always makes crafts for RJ.
"Okay," I picked her up and placed her on my hip.
"Let me carry her," Mr. Cummings took Tigrus from my tired arms.
"Thank you Mr. Cummings," I said.
"Please call me James," he smiled.
"CJ, come on we have to go. Your sister is tired," I yelled.
CJ came and handed me a piece of paper, "It's his parents number. So you can text him."
"Oh. Okay. Come here CJ," I picked him up and placed him on my hip to carry.
We walked to my Lambo. James was behind me when he whispered, "Wow. It's nice."
"I love my car too. Expecially on the track," I said unlocking my car.
"He wasn't talking about that Mommy," Tigrus said.
"Well then what?" I said turning to them.
"He was talking about your butt," she said laughing which caused CJ to burst out laughing too.
"Really?" I glared at James.
"Uhh," he said scratching his head.
"Tigrus get into your seat. Hurry up. CJ is already in," I opened her door.
"Y/n, I'm really sorry," James said.
"It's fine," I said.
I closed Tigrus' door after she got into her seat. I turned to get my door open but James was right there.
I jumped because I didn't expect him to be there. He stepped close to me. I was against my car.
"Hey what kind of car is this?" He put his hand against my car, next to my butt.
"Lamborghini Huracan," I said.
"Beautiful," he said. Putting his chest against me.
"The car?" I asked.
"You," he leaned in to kiss me but I dodged it.
"Sorry I have to go," I got into my car and left.
"Sorry you had to see that guys. But anyways. CJ, you want to tell me about the rest of your day?"
"Yes. Okay. First, when I got into school Robin was talking to Rick who told him about how Tommy had no friends because he just moved here. So I was talking to Tommy and he asked if we wanted to be friends. I said yes. The the rest of the day we hung out together," Said CJ.
"He sounds really nice," I said.
"He is," CJ said.
"Tigrus why are you so quiet?" I asked her.
But she was already asleep. That girl can sleep through anything.
I turned up the music because I knew it wouldn't bother her and drove home.
"Mom?" CJ asked.
"Yes, CJ?" I said looking at him through the mirror.
"Can I go out to the woods with RJ? He said he would take me if I asked you," CJ timidly asked me.
"You know I don't allow you to go without me. I trust RJ. But I just want to protect you," I said keeping my eyes on the road.
"Please Mom. You can come too. Please I really want to go tonight," he begged.
"I can't go tonight. I have to go to the store and watch your sister. I'll think about all of us going tomorrow," I told him.
CJ smiled and looked out the window.
When I parked the car outside the house in the parking garage, RJ came out and picked up Tigrus since she was still asleep.
I grabbed her school bag and carried it with mine. We took the stairs up to the apartment. I unlocked the door and CJ ran in right after RJ walked in.
"I'm taking her to bed," RJ said and walked to Tigrus' and CJ's room.
When he came back CJ exploded with excitement.
"RJ! RJ! Guess what!!" CJ exclaimed.
"What! What!" RJ yelled back.
"Mom said we can go into the woods tomorrow. Me, you, Mom, and Tigrus. It's going to be so fun," CJ counted on his fingers when he was saying who was going.
"I said I'll think about it," I included to his story.
"Oh please let us go," RJ begged me like a little kid.
"You are an adult. You can do whatever you want. And yes, CJ we will go tomorrow. I promise," I said, "CJ give me your backpack so I can put it away."
"Ok Mommy," he said.
I took it and put it in his room.
When I came back to the kitchen, where CJ and RJ were at, they were talking about Tommy.
"And where is he from?" RJ asked CJ.
I grabbed some grapes off the counter and put some in my mouth.
"He said he came from a small town in Michigan," CJ said.
I almost choked on the grapes.
"Mommy, are you okay?" CJ asked.
"Yes. He's from Michigan?" I questioned.
"Yeah. What is wrong with Michigan?" CJ asked me.
"That's where I grew up. I was born and lived there until I was 15. We only moved here 3 years ago," I said.
"So you,RJ, and us were born there?" CJ asked.
"No. Your Mom was. I lived in Indiana. But I would visit as much as I could," RJ said.
"Ok. What about me?" CJ asked.
"You were born in-" I started.
"Mommy?" Tigrus interrupted.
"Yes?" I said.
Saved by the daughter.
"I'm done sleeping. I want to do something. When can we go to the store?" She asked.
"Soon. RJ is going with us," I said.
I saw RJ's expression change, "Oh. No. That is not my thing. That is your time with your kids. While I work. Maybe next time."
"Ok, whatever. I'm going to get ready," Tigrus said. She flicked her hair and struted to her room.
RJ and I burst out laughing.
I said, "Dang that girl is funny!"
"You better get ready too. She looked serious," RJ warned laughing.
"Where is my purse?" I said looking around.
"Here Mom," CJ said.
It was sitting in front of him and he was on my phone watching YouTube.
"Mom can I watch this in the car?" He asked.
"Yes," I said grabbing my purse and keys, "But I need my phone now. Also RJ, I'm taking my Purple Lamborghini. I'm going to leave the other car keys here just in case you need it."
He gave me my phone. Then Tigrus came out of her room and waited by the door.
"Bye RJ. See you when we get back!" I yelled towards the kitchen as I walked to the door with CJ.
"Bye love you guys," RJ yelled.
I opened the door and let someone pass by the door before letting the kids step out of the door.
"Love you too," I yelled.
"Come on Mom. Let's go to the store," Tigrus yelled pulling my hand.

Darius p.o.v

Steve came into the apartment that we stay in while we are visiting our parents.
"Did you know you have a really cute neighbor? The only bummer is that she has kids," Steve said as he took his shoes off.
"That's not a bummer. It's good because you didn't have to apt for the kid's first years of life. Plus you get to have more with less effort," Marcus said smiling.
"Well, some of us like the effort," Lucas said.
We like to forget about what happened 3 years ago. But it always comes back. We try to keep smiles on oir faces for our fans but sometimes you have to let out the stress that has built up.
Lucas has been, I hate to say it, but, a fuckboy lately. I don't know where he goes to get them. But he brings girls into the house and takes them to his room. Next morning, or even that very night, he tells them bye and says he'll text them. But he never texts or calls them again. I guess that's how he gets rid of stress.
I don't blame him either.
He always has visions of Y/n. His visions can be about their past together with the kidnappings by Blake, can be about the present which is actually happening to her, or about the future. The future can become true but can also change. It can be a matter of seconds to years.
Marcus has been keeping it together by fixing Lucas's mistakes. Lucas gets in trouble a lot at school and Marcus helps him with his grades. Marcus loved her as a sister and really misses her.
We all do.
Cyrus, well...he...I don't know.
Me, I keep it together for my brothers. I still have feelings for her. Just don't show them. I try to keep everything that reminds us of her away. I want the best for her, which is being away from us.
I'll have to tell you more as it comes.
"What's her name?" I ask.
"I don't know. I only saw her exit her house. I heard her kid say that they are going to the store," Steve said sitting on the couch next to all of us.
"Should we go?" Lucas asked.
"Yes. But let's make it a challenge. Let's go. We have to find her. I have the idea for the challenge," I said putting my shoes on.
They all put theirs shoes on too.
We took the G-wagon so we could all fit together. Lucas drove. Lucas drove like crazy.
"Lucas!" Marcus yelled.
"Sorry Marcus. Won't do it again," Lucas apologized to his twin.
Lucas finally made it to the closest store to the apartment which is a 20 minute drive.
We were walking through the parking lot when I saw a dark purple Lamborghini Huracan. It had the same butterfly doors as Y/n's did. But her car was white- Stop thinking about her!
We got into store and it wasn't that big.
"Okay Steve tell me when you see her. "What does she look like?" I asked.
"Trust me. You will know when you see her. She is so beautiful," Steve said smirking.
"Ok," I said.
I looked around the store.
"Maybe we should split up," Lucas said.
"Why? So you can have her for yourself?" Marcus asked.
"No. Lucas is right. It's a good idea," I said.
We all split up and looked for her.
Then I saw her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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