Kilani's Story

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Kilani's Story

Chapter 1:

I know she's coming for me. She's been seeking revenge in my family ever since my father killed her mom. He told me that it was only an accident, but i could see the hatered in his

acts. I'm sorry to say, that these next few words will be my last, for she is in my very room. I know that you are wondering who"She" is.

Her name is Zakora.

Chapter 2:

It was slow and torturous. It lasted about 2 hours. Suddenly, Zakora stopped and wrote something on what was left of my forehead with something soft, like a tube of lipstick. Then there was the worst pain imaginable inflicted on my chest, and my life finally drew to a


Everything was black, but suddenly there was a flash of a bright white light. I walked toward the light and was suddenly in my hometown, Nigerea, Africa. it was exactly where I wanted to be. Nothing could hurt me. As quickly as i got there, I was transported to many different places that i had encountered and wanted to encounter in my past life.

Chapter 3:

I had two choices. the first one being, starting a new life in the afterlife, or staying on Earth as a free spirit. Of course, i picked the sencond choice. The first few days I stayed on the streets. It would just be too painful to go back to my old house, where i was murdered. The best thing about being a free spirit was, I didnt have to worry about eating or even sleeping. I was never hungry or asleep.

Everyday, I would try and look for Zakora. It made no sense looking for her since she couldn't even see me, or hear me. But I made it my mission to search for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2012 ⏰

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