Chapter 3: Awake

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Sorry for the long wait my beasties! Your dear author has been really busy with preparing for projects and other things, but here is the next chapter!

You began to wake up, your head pounding as you stirred.

What had happened?

Was what you had just gone through nothing but a terrible nightmare?

But you soon realized you were still in the castle, but in a very different room, from what you knew to be some sort of theater.

But you soon realized you were still in the castle, but in a very different room, from what you knew to be some sort of theater

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You could see the entire lay-out of the massive theater from your place on the stage.

Blearily, you tried to raise your hand to brush your hair out of your face.........

Only to realize that you couldn't.  Your arms were tied down to a fancy, red-velvet chair with what appeared to be........


"What the....."

Pulling at your bonds, you soon found that you had been tied securely to the chair with your arms and legs bound so you couldn't escape.

Out of the corner of your eye you could see what looked like somebody moving in the shadowed landing far above you. You turned your head and squinted your eyes trying to make out the figure in the darkness. As you gazed at the figure it seemed to move forward slightly, but not enough so you could make out exactly who you were seeing.

You heard a voice, which you immediately though of as the voice of your "captor", whoever they were.

"Struggling... Struggling is pointless!"

Whoever this person was, they were clearly trying to sound more confident then they probably actually were, due to the fact it sounded like they were trying to carefully choose their words.

The figure then leaped off of the landing to the ground below, landing gracefully upright on impact.

"I know why you're here and I'm not afraid of you!"

You were instantly confused. How could this person or creature or whatever, know why you were here in the fist place? That was impossible right? Unless they had somehow spied on you....

"Wait what?"

The figure stepped out of the shadows and you gasped. It was a girl, who looked to be around your age but she didn't exactly look human as you would put it. Her skin was as pale as freshly fallen snow, her ears were pointed (much like a bat's......).Her hair was down to her shoulder blades and was a type of a dusky violet, you supposed. She wore a violet ball-gown that looked like something a Disney princess would wear from Hot Topic. Her eyes were a deep ruby red, and were currently narrowed in a look of distaste. And her teeth were very sharp and dangerous looking.....

In all my dreams I drown: Missi x  readerWhere stories live. Discover now