The meeting

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                     Ambers POV.
I can't believe I have been in this car for 3 hours now. I am sweaty, tired, and just not in the mood to meet people today. But my mom wants me to go to Georgia to meet some of  her friends. Playing my music on repeat is getting a bit old I really just want to meet her so called "friends" and just go home.  An hour has past now and we are about 2 minutes away I just can't wait to get out of the car and actually breathe fresh air and not the one my brother has been making in the car.  Once we got there I got my belongings out of the trunk and headed for the house. I knocked 2 times just to reassure them that I am there. When they opened the door I saw a tall man with a Justin Bieber hair cut, he said "he sweet cheeks how are ya?" Well knowing me I didn't really give and answer until my mom walked in greeting everyone. She introduced me to everyone there.   I began to settle in and started to be more open with her friends and once that stared to happen this tall cute teenage boy walked in. When he walked in he didn't really say much but my mom started to introduce me she said "Amber this is Noah and Noah this is Amber."  We both looked at each other and smiled and said hi. After the whole meet and greet I just started to dance and dance but then I grew tired so I went to go and sit on the couch. While I was just minding my own business Noah walks by and comes to sit next to me and in my head I am screaming. Noah sits down with his vape and he starts to talk to me " hey how is everything so far?" I then said "alright I guess just a bit hectic with meeting so many people." I also said "So what do u like to do around here for fun?" Noah then says "well I'll show ya."

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