Hi My Beloved Buttcheeks! How are ya?!
I know I haven't posted much in my 'Collection of Grays', but to tell you the truth, I can't create a work that is not inspired with something. To put it simply, I just can't write stuff If I'm not on my writing zone. It's just like lying to myself or to you guys If I just write boring stuff.But do not fret, I still continue that once I got a new work to written and update it ASAP. ;)
Now, let's come to this side of yard.
It's simply my own recommendation of authors and their amazing works. I follow them and their stories are my companions when I'm in my room. You can call me Old-fashioned but reading stories is the best for me. .next is Youtube. (I like being entertained, so there)Whether or not you like to try and follow my recommendations, is still up to you. Everybody has their own preferences.
To those who wants to try, I appreciate it.
I know the authors will pretty much appreciate it also.So let's go and read!!!
~> Geri O:-)

RandomHi! These are my list of recommended stories and their authors. Hope you like them. ;) ~> Geri