-Part 1- The Start....

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You stood on your mothers scale to see how much you were...
...146.8!? You Stood There Thinking You Were Like A Big Fat Monster.
"I NEED to lose weight...." You told yourself over and over..,But how? you know if you ask mom and dad they will just say your not fat,your weight is fine and won't get more "Healthy" stuff.You thought all night and most of the day laying in your bed thinking how you could lose weight.
You hated to exercise..running was not your thing,so that was off your list.For a few days you haven't done anything, but think.....Then your stomach grawls like a cat playing with a laser. You then realize you haven't eaten in "two hole days!?",you search on the internet if its bad to not eat in a couple days,as you scroll...you see something called "Anorexia"...you click on the page with curiosity....You read part of the page out loud out loud "some people don't eat because they think are fat.The less they eat leads to were they don't eat at all.it can lead to the disorder called "Anorexia" they lose more and more weight,happy at the thought they will be "Skinny" and can be finally happy with their body." You stop reading and shut your phone off.you dash to go get the scale to see if you lost anything in excitement,you ignore everything the page said besides they lost weight and that's what you wanted...you finally find the scale and stand on it once again "126.8 please please be less maybe just a little bit!" The numbers then go on the little screen.its now says 140.8 you get off and jump and dance so happily.
-But what do know,what's gonna happen now that you have started....-
The beginning of my story,I'm not a writer at all,but ill do my best.
Sorry for the short start of the story,but I might change it up a bit I might change it to a actual person and put more talking parts for sure,but I hope you enjoy it...Even though it is very bad...

--Also None Of You Don't Eat,Its Very UnHealthy And Can Lead To The Hospital.. You Are Perfect The Way You Are.BE CONFIDENT,BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!! You Can Do It,Do Your Best.Try And Try Again Till You Get It!--

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