Getting Over Her

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You get over her like this: at first, you don't. Her name is a note you can't unsing but eventually your body gets bored of making tears over the same person who broke you. your body says "listen up it was a long time ago" and for a second you feel whole but you catch sight of her in a starbucks and your heart drops and your hands shake and you want to throw up and you can't explain to your friends why this messed you up because you've already talked their ears off so you go home and have a good old-fashioned sob but somewhere in that night or the next one or two weeks down the road the things that came to the surface start getting old and you start turning over your relationship in your palms until you discover the ugly things you've been hiding from yourself and you think maybe it's wasn't always heaven maybe it was hell and you write about her or cry about her or get her out of yourself however you can, you scrape yourself clean until there's nothing left and rebuild from the ground up and some wicked part of you still wants to talk to her just to say "look, i'm new now, i'm different," but you don't because you've straightened out the voices in your head and you write about her and make a stupid poetry blog about red blood and black ink and you make playlists of songs you found way after her and you make yourself okay again eventually because the truth is, you were whole before you found her you have just forgotten how to be who you are without her - don't worry, my love all it takes is a little soul-searching before you rediscover you are better off without her 

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