Brandon: The Wilde Brothers (Chapter 1)

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a sample from the second book in my series: The Billionaire's Desire. It is a standalone love story involving the brother of the guy in the first book (Alec). This book was released 7/2/14. The third book (Connor) is also available!


Brandon awoke to the sound of his buzzing cell phone.

He glanced over at the brunette next to him—out cold and partially covered by the bed sheet—and then checked his caller ID.

He almost shot right up when he saw the name, but controlled the urge, slowly slipping from the bed to make sure he didn't disturb his sleeping companion.

"Give me a sec," he whispered into the phone as he made his way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, joy swelling in him.

As soon as he figured he was in the clear, he said, "Erica! What a crazy surprise! Long time, no talk."

"That's on you," Erica said. "I'm shocked you still have my name and number in your phone, and I'm not sure if I should be more offended you didn't actually lose it like I figured. Anyway, this was my last attempt to reach you and let you know I'll be coming to your neck of the woods soon—if you're still in SoCal, that is. I'm moving to L.A., so if you have the time and it's okay with your current squeeze, I figured maybe we could do lunch."

"Hell yeah. I haven't seen you in...what is it...?"

"Three years," she answered. "But who's counting? Anyway, maybe we could do a double date."

"What makes you so sure I'm seeing someone?"

"Come on, Brandon; after high school it's been like clockwork—you ignore me whenever you're in a relationship. I figure you've been in a hell of a long one, or you've been hopping around with no breaks in between since I haven't heard from you in so long; in fact, how come you're answering my call now? Did the latest one just end?"

Brandon wasn't sure what to make of Erica's tone or her words. She had said everything somewhat lightly, but he had the distinct impression he was being seriously berated.

He didn't really blame her, but she had to understand, right? Girls were so untrustworthy of each other—surely she, too, didn't like when the guy she was dating had a close female friend?

"How about you and I meet first, catch up a bit, and then do the double date thing?" Brandon said.

"Aha! I knew it. You're with someone. Anyway, let's nail down the details tomorrow. I look forward to it."

"Same here," he said, hanging up just as his bed companion made her way down the stairs to join him, wearing nothing but one of his shirts.

"Who was that, babe?" she asked, looking at him with dopey brown eyes, still foggy with sleep. Her brown hair cascaded in a beautifully messy way, making her look more attractive than she was.

"An old friend of mine. Man, it was good to hear from her—I've known her since we were kids and she'll be in town soon. Wants to do lunch."

Brandon watched Jennifer's face and thought he saw it tighten at the news, but she cheerfully said, "Oh, how cool! You guys get to catch up. When last have you seen her?"

Brandon wondered if she would think it was so cool if she actually knew what Erica looked like. Already, women had issues with just the idea of female friends. They nearly lost their minds if it was a pretty one.

"It's been a few years," he said. "We grew up together, but she went off to college in New York. We still stayed in touch though—we were pretty close back in the day, so we caught up on her school breaks. Last time I saw her was at her graduation. Three years ago."

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