Chapter 1

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Everything was quite, and thank god for that. In Greensvile Highschool it's hard to find that. I rest my head on the squeaky library table, and I try my best to sleep through my lunch period. I hear the library door open, being the curious person I am I lift my head up to see Jessy my Best Friend. "HEY BITCH!!!" she yelled halfway across the library making her way to me, causing Ms. Sandra who is the librarian to give her a sturn annoyed look. " OPPS SORRY MS. SANDRA!!!!" she yelled. " And yet you continue to yell." Ms. Sandra said as she continued to organize books. I giggled at Jessy's obnoxiousness. "Giiiiiirl did you hear about that party next Friday." Jessy whispered as she sat her bookbag down and plopped in the seat in front of me. "I can't do anything but hear about it the whole school is talking about it, and it's only because the Plugs are throwing it at their place"I said. Now I know your woundering " Who the hell are the Plugs?" Well my friend they are the equivalent to everyone's  worst nightmare. If you need drugs call the plugs, if you need someone dead give them a couple of bucks and they will make it happen, if you need a weapon they are the ones who have it, so pretty much everything that's not llegal, dangerous, and can get you or somebody else killed the plugs either have it, or have done it. They run the school, the block, and even sometimes the law. They never get caught, and if you snitch then you might as well throw your life away, cause they will end it. They don't care if you are a girl, boy, old man, old women, cat, dog, they will put a bullet in you, or sometimes worse. To keep myself from having a misunderstanding with the Plugs I stay as far away from them as possible. "Come on China I know how you feel about the Plugs but-" I cut her off. "Then stop asking me to do things invovling them, I don't know about you, but I want to live." I said in a annoyed tone. " China you really need to start going out and acting like your age." she said. " Ummmm I act my age." I said in a defensive way. " First of all, skipping lunch a.k.a social time with your pears is not acting your age. I mean come on if you are going to skip atleast do it off campus. Well i'm pretty sure you don't even have the balls to . " she said while smirking. " Of course I do I have skipped before." I said while crossing my arms and putting a bright smile on my face. "Going on Mr. John's field trip is not skipping bitch." she said making my smile drop. After she said that Monty came barging through the doors of the library. "GUYS DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THAT PARTY!!!!" he shouted causing Ms. Jessy to jump and give him a annoyed look. He just ignored Ms. Jessy's look of hatred and turned his attention to us. " Of course everyone has, and i'm guessing your gay ass is going." said Jessy. " You know it BIIIIIITCH!!! " he said while dropping it like it's hot and sticking his tongue out. Me and Jessy couldn't help but bust out laughing. He took a seat next to Jessy. "Ok hoe's so what are we wearing? I was thinking we go matching." he said while popping the gum in his mouth. "Eww no this isn't some three musketeers shit." said Jessy while rolling her eyes. " China your ass better be going this time." Monty said. "Ummm well-" I said before Jessy's bitch ass cut me off. "She is cause i'm tired of going to parties without my bff by my side." she said. "I'm always there with you though." said Monty. "You always find some dick to chase and then you leave me." said Jessy. "Ok don't act like you don't do the same thing you hoe. Last time I checked you were the one riding Bryan's dick last saturday." he said with a evil smirk on his face. " WAIT BRYAN!!!! As in Bryan Ress who is apart of the Plugs?"I asked. "Girl I was drunk, but I can say that I don't regret it one bit Bryan is fine ass fuck." Jessy said. "You know what type of shit goes down when you get involved with them. How could you be so stupid? Did you even use a condom?" I asked with a concerned look on my face. " Yeah of course we did. Well atleast I think we did." she said in a unsure tone. " Bitch I am not babysitting." said Monty. " Ugh you won't have to because i'm not pregnant." she said. "How do you know?" I asked. "OMGGGGGGG!!! I just do, calm down. See this is why you should come places with me so things like this don't happen. she said. " Ummm I am not going to babysit you wherever you go." I said. "Whatever it's settled your coming with us this saturday." said Monty. "Wait but-" before I could say anything else I was cut off by the school bell ringing, and them getting up and leaving. " We will come over your house after school to figure out what we are wearing." said Jessy. Then they both took off out the library. I just grabbed my things and shook my head in frustration. They are going to make me go to this party even if they have to bring me in a bodybag.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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