Chapter 8

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       I was awoken by Tanner's voice. He was on the phone. I grabbed my phone and checked the time, 10:30pm. Why was he on the phone? I weakly stood up and hobbled over to him.
       "Speaking of the cripple, she's right here." Tanner jokingly said as he turned and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "(Y/N), it's Joey. I told him about the injuries and you don't have to go to work for the next week."
         "But I love it—" Tanner cut me off with a quick kiss.
          "Babe, you need to rest. You can't come." He wrapped his arm around me, supporting most of my weight.
           "But—" he stopped me again.
           "Shhh" He was hushing me, "(Y/N), you need to heal. All we want is for you to get better. I want you to stay off from work and rest." He said, walking me back to the couch.
         We sat down and he finished his call with Joey. "Tanner" I laid my head on his shoulder, "I don't want to be left alone." I said starting to tear up. "I don't want anything bad to happen again." Tanner pulled me into an awkward hug. "I-I-I" I couldn't hold back the tears as I began to sob.
"I won't leave you." Tanner squeezed my hand tightly. "You should probably call your parents, they must be worried sick about where you are." I began tearing up.
"T-T-T-Tanner" I managed to say his name through the tears. "M-My parents are d-d-d-dead." I felt his grip loosen and then he began tearing up. "I live with my grandma, I can call her." I was trying to stay positive.
Tanner was shocked, he was speechless. "I'm so sorry that happened." He put his hand on my cheek. "At least you're still here." He said, trying to lighten the mood.
"Why is that good? Ever since they passed I've always wanted to die. I've tried to kill myself several times, but I've failed." I choked back tears.
           "It's not your fault. Don't blame it on yourself." He replied, hugging me tightly.
            "Yes it is. I got mad and ran away, they were looking for me when they got hit by a drunk driver. I witnessed the accident, and it was ALL my fault." I couldn't hold my tears back, Tanner wrapped the blanket around me and sat me in his lap and he began rocking me to calm me.
       "It's NOT your fault, you didn't force the other driver to hit them." He squeezed my hand and stopped rocking me. "Let's call your grandma." Tanner suggested.
        We called her and told her all of my injuries and told her that I was staying with Tanner and told her that we were dating. She was fine with everything and she said that anything would be fine as long as I'm safe.
        After the call Tanner laid with me and cuddled until we both fell asleep.

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