Part one : what happened in Brooklyn river

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Every morning this town wakes up with a singing voice coming from the Francine family , the Francine family is like the owner of this town , but they're not cause the person who built this town called  Franklin Rossy .

Franklin was born in the middle of 1830 , when he turned 18 he decided to travel from his home town  Bucharest, Romania . On his way to the US he met Olivia Tran a Russian traveler who escaped from her parents cause they want her to get married . 

Franklin and Olivia got in love and they both went to USA , Franklin knew how to build and paint cause in Romania every royal child must know how to paint and draw .

So Franklin built a small house for him and Olivia and then they got married , they had 4 kids but unfortunately Olivia died in the age of 45 in a heart attack , spot Franklin took care off the kids until he got sick on 1900 and then on 1901 he died leaving the town and the place for his kids . 

Years after years a lot of people started moving to Brooklyn river until the place got a lot of buildings , houses , school , 2 collages and of Course bars and restaurants . 

- 1953-

- At Brooklyn river monastery  -

sister Marie : * praying * please lord I want you to forgive me for my sins , and I promise you I wont do .... * Sister Victoria comes into prayer room at the monastery *

Sister Victoria : wont do what sister ? *puts her hand on her shoulder * 

Marie : excuse me sister I was praying , I didn't hear you coming . 

Victoria : Look what happened last year with father David wasn't your fault and it happened and try not to remember it cause its will curse your life . come on dinner is ready . * leaves to the dinning hall *

Marie : ok sister ,   * follows her few minutes later *

Sister Bianca : attention sister * all the nuns looks at her * as it is the last day for sister Marie here in the monastery I want to make this night beautiful and peaceful for all , enjoy the dinner sisters . 

*all the nuns eats and then they go to bed * 

- next morning - 

Marie : * goes outside with her bags * thanks for letting me be powerful and thanks to all my sister inside I'm so sorry * snaps her finger *

* the monastery start burning * 

For 57 years the reason of making Marie burns the monastery is mysterious and no body know why and who did it .

- present time - 

- Eva's house -

Eva : * looking at her door to close it with her magic power * come on , come on , god yesterday it was working !!! *talking furiously* 

Luke: morning sis , still trying to make the door close by itself ? 

Eva : stop talking to me I'm losing my focusing .. *still focusing* 

Luke: but you  just talked to me , mission failed princess , come on mom is leaving now . *leaves the room heading downstairs *

Eva : is she really taking us to Mr. Harrington ? he's creepy and weird . * grabbing her bag and walks downstairs following Luke*

Luke: he is creepy but most of all he lives in that creepy castle, alone with his dogs and cats , I wonder what he do with them all the time . *laughs putting his phone on his pocket *

Eva : I don't know , he's all by himself and he lives with animals ! defiantly he's one of them *laughs as she walks outside *

Rebekah : KIDS COME ON BEFORE IT GETS LATE! * goes to the car *

Eva : um mom ? don't you think Mr. Harrington is way to historical ? like for real a castle, really ?*saying it with her voice getting thicker *

Rebekah : look kids he is my uncle and i love him very much , he didn't have the chance to get married , you know . i was so sad when he lost his best friend Devon after he died *looks at side mirrors and turns * he sold his shop and bought the castle .

Luke: but mom , isnt it a bit weird that he bought a castle and not house * looking at the road * . 

Rebekah: well it is weird but guys believe me you don't wanna be involved in it . 

Eva: yeh , whatever *lays her head on the window and takes a nap*

-3 hours later -

Luke : OMG!!! i never imagined it , like , what , omg *shocked * mom he is a billionaire.

Rebekah : Oh yes , I remember when I was your age . I came here for summer break and it was so good , like I was living like a princess *looks at him from the front mirror and laughs while driving *

Luke : Eva ? why are you so quiet ? 

Eva: nothing , I'm just tired .

Rebekah : *parks her car * I'll go and knock and you guys take you stuff out . ok ? 

Eva : * nods while her attention is on her phone *

Luke : okay .

Rebekah : *knocks the door and waits for few minutes *

Mr. Harrington : Rebekah ! * as he opened the door , talking like an old British guy * its been a long time darling *hugs her * so where are they *looks around the spots the car * oh no need to tell me , they look exactly like James . 

Rebekah : Don't mention him in front of them , and I missed you too . look I'm in a hurry i'll catch up with you on Sunday . 

Mr. Harrington: alright ! drive safe . 

*both the kids goes in as well as Mr. Harrington * 

Mr.Harrington house got 3 floors , basement and attic . his walls smells like dust even though it's a luxury place . he got an old dog his name is Zach who look 100 years old , the floor is poor , the chandlers are broken and it has some of it on the floor , the stairs has no railings . The kitchen looks like a horror movie kitchen where you have a big chance to die in it . 

Mr. Harrington : ok , I'll tell you the rules of the house , you will sleep in the second floor the door on you left , basement is off limit as well as the attic . After 12:30 am do not go to the kitchen I don't like it , yet if I found you their I'll call you mom . Breakfast at 7:45 am , I walk my dog after that . Lunch at 1 pm , dinner at 6:15 cause I sleep at 8:50 . Any questions ?

Luke : um , I have one .... do you have wifi ? 

Mr. Harrington : yes the password is 19530722.

Luke : got it thanks . 

-later that night - 

Luke : *getting ready for bed * So Eva what do you think he hides at the attic , I think it's a body or maybe some kids . 

Eva: ha ha ha , so funny . He said it's off limit and I won't even think about it ok , this place makes  me sick . * looks around over and over * hey what time is it ?

Luke : 12 , we have 30 minutes before his curfew * laughs standing * I'm thirsty .

Eva : Me too let's go down and get some water .

Luke : okay .

* they both go down stairs * 

Eva : * holds Lukes hand and whispers to him * holly crap !

Luke : *looking at the door * omg! 

What do you thing they saw ? ( contact me on my insta account to know more @nour.m412)

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