Life Update and General Information!!

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Twilight: now, if I was any less of a person, I would stride in like Fury and give that famous 'why I've gathered you here today' one liner, but alas, I will sadly not. 

Honestly right now, I probably look like shit (I marked this mature for a reason people, cursing will be here, along with story ideas with mature themes. I may even delete that other story idea book on my works list to save room.) I most likely have dark circles, I'm stressed out. I'm not saying my life is the worst at all. I'm not here to spread drama or garner sympathy. I just figured I owed my followers a reason why I can't update a lot at all. Hopefully this won't spur the followers who beg me to update. That said, PLEASE don't spam that, it helps nothing. 

Where to start. Alright, I'm out of a job for one. I'm looking for a new one, and I only have a month to get one. I'm searching for one but if I don't get one within that timeline, I'm kicked out of my dad's house. I either have to live with my mom, whom I don't get along with, or with a friend which isn't as likely because my friends wouldn't be able to offer such a thing. 

I'm attending a four year college, and I'm taking a degree in Language, most likely three of them. It's a very involved major (not saying other majors aren't ) but this requires a lot of studying and effort. I still have to get set up for next semester too. 

During the end of June I'll be at an anime convention, dressing up for the first time and having fun, which takes some of the stress off, along with a week vacation in Florida. I may even be a little busy in July too, but right now I'm not sure. Please don't badger me about updates. So far this month hasn't been the very best for me this year despite the excitement of turning 20.  

As for an update list of my already existing stories here? 

1. Love is Toxic Yanderes Naruto Characters x Reader (Honestly this is one of the easiest to update but that's not to say it'll update anytime soon.)

2. Ask Authoress! (This may actually update more than the first) 

3. Fanfiction I Recommend as Good Reads (Sporadic updates)

4. My Drama/TV Show List (Sporadic updates)

5. A-CAT-suki Kittens Insanity (Will likely almost always be last. I may go back and rewrite it one day, or just update) 

As for individual chapter update info? That'll be in the stories themselves. 

But also in this, you may ask me questions, as long as I don't seem them too personal. Don't be shy. You can ask stuff like favorite color, favorite book or music genre, favorite anime, what languages I'm learning or want to learn. 

You can also request story ideas and I may run with them. With each update here, I'll give my general mood, and the fandom I'm submerged in at the moment. I go through phases, sometimes the fandoms will be old sometimes new. 

Asks and story requests are OPEN. 

General Mood: Stressed, Procrastinating to feel comforted. 

Fandom Status: Returned to Harry Potter for the moment. Currently scribbling fic ideas in my Slytherin journal. (and yes I'm ACTUALLY a Slytherin according to Pottermore and numerous other quizzes. That said ask about a pairing and I may write for it, as I'm quite fond of Tomione and a few others. I may update with a list of pairings I like. That said, please no Draco, Harry, Neville, Ron x (insert reader or character) I don't really do those for those characters) however if you want a general fic with say, time travel for them or any other character I'd be happy to. 

Neville coming back to his first year with a backbone and an attitude? 

Harry coming back acting like a tired snarky old man in Slytherin? 

Ron returning calculated or jumpy? Perhaps even Draco with PTSD(I'm not romanticizing this!! But it is something to bring awareness to and to write for it would help shed light on it, as I wish to learn!) And a very timid disposition? 

Or maybe you'd like me to write a muggle oc reincarnated into a pureblooded family that follows a dark lord? 

Just ask lovelies. In other words, I'm mostly partial to Harry Potter fic ideas at the moment. I'm not comfortable with co-authoring but if you're okay with it I'll give you credit for the story idea/plot.

-- Twilight out ❤

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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