Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Chaos welcomed me when I entered the school premises. Students were chatting, laughing with each other, probably sharing the stories of their summer vacation. There were teachers and some students who were acting as their assistants, calling out instructions. And then, people like me, first-year students, who were looking at everything wide-eyed, taking everything in.

I was as excited as I was nervous: this was it. This was what I had been waiting for the last sixteen years. I did not know who was more happy, me or my parents when I got the much-awaited symbol on the back of my right hand, a small, white lotus flower, on the eve of my birthday.

I took a deep breath, and moved ahead, only to collide with someone. I almost fell, if not for strong hands holding my shoulders. A Yaksha boy, taller than six feet, strong build, dark skin, black hair and a piercing pair of silver eyes was staring at me with anger. He was not handsome in the traditional sense, but none the less, his face was arresting. He was wearing what was typical of his race, dark pants, and brown tunic reaching mid-thigh, a silver belt at his waist. In addition to this, he also had a silver band in his head, indicating that he was a prince of his clan. But, he was not the firstborn Bhairav, whom I had met when our fathers were in some conference. This must be, then, Rudra, the rebel prince.

"Be careful where you go Kinnara princess. I may not save you next time..." he sneered at me.

I sighed inwardly at his tone, touching my horns consciously, which gave away my race. Even though all the clans are united and there was a council to keep the peace, there was a slight animosity between Yaksha Clan and Kinnara Clan, for two thousand years, for reasons unknown. I had hoped at least in school, this would not be there.

"Prince Rudra..." I inclined my head at him, "Do not worry, I don't need saving. And even if I did, you would be the last person I will call. So if you excuse me..." I said in the coolest tone possible and moved out of his hands.

"See you later, lioness..." he smirked and went off to join his friends.

I looked around to see if I can locate any first years, so they would help me.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where all the first years are reporting?" I asked a tall, lanky guy who was facing away from me, and already had the yellow student handbook in hand. At my voice, he turned to me and I was dumbfounded for a second. This was the most beautiful face I had seen in my life, with blond hair, twinkling blue eyes. His cat-like eyes gave away his race as Gandharva, and he was wearing deep yellow pants, with a bright blue tunic, reaching his knee. He also had a beautiful peacock feather, tucked into his golden belt.

"But of course, I am always at service for a beautiful lady. I would escort you there. And I could accompany you, we can have our own personal tour of the school" he bowed to me, with a slight grin. Ahhh... a flirt. I had no patience for such things. I rolled my eyes at him, "No, just tell me where to report..." I said firmly.

He put his hands around my shoulder, pulled me to his side, "Don't be like this, dear heart. You and I are meant to be..." he grinned. After my encounter with Rudra, I had lost all the patience I had, not that I had much, to begin with, and I did what I always usually do when angry. I punched him.

"Ouch!" he held his hands over his eyes, which was already turning black, and was also laughing loudly. Was he mad as well?

"We are going to be best friends.... mark my word. My name is Suta. What is yours?" he held his hand on his heart and slightly bowed, a mark of respect among Gandharvas. He was one weird boy for sure, but how can I say no to a friendship started with a punch.

"Kirati..." I repeated his gesture.

"Nice to meet you, Kinnara princess..." Suta exclaimed, "Anyways, let's get you for registration." he leads me to a first-year queue.

Once my registration was complete, we went around the school.

Our school was located in a forest and surrounded by lush green gardens, fountains and small waterfalls, the nearest village Gurupura being some thirty minutes horse ride away from the school. All the buildings were constructed using Rosewood and the roofs were all Teak wood. The cluster of four buildings, separated by the gardens and playgrounds formed the main school. The middle building, it was also the biggest one, had all our classes. It had fours wings, giving it a square like structure, with the middle of the square laid open to the sky and also had beautiful fountains, benches to sit and laze around and a mini rose garden. One wing was dedicated to staff rooms. The second wing was for our defence classes, with huge rooms forming areas for weapon training. The third and the fourth wing had rows of classrooms.

The second biggest building, situated on the left of the main building, was divided into two sections. One for kitchen and the cafeteria and the second section formed our infirmary, which had an on-duty Vantari, the healer, every day. The third building was the on the right of the main building, had administrator offices, head master's office, one huge auditorium and big ballroom. Last building was the library and was right behind the main building. All the four structures are connected with stone pathways, covered by canopies.

Towards the east of this cluster, separated by a plantation of various trees such as jackfruit, mango, teak, sandalwood etc, was our girl's hostel. And towards the west was boys hostel, separated by a huge lake from the main cluster. On north and south of the main cluster, were the houses for our professors, a couple of guesthouses. The whole campus was surrounded by a wooden compound and towards the entrance, in the north side, there was also a huge building which housed carriages, chariots, and also horses.

After a brief tour of the school with Suta, I went to my hostel, where all my luggage was already shifted.

Luckily my room was on the ground floor, and at the corner. I would be sharing my room with another first-year student and I was hoping that we would be cordial, if not great friends. She was already unpacking when I went inside and greeted me as soon as she saw me.

" name is Mytri. As you can see, I am a Gandharva. I was so excited when I saw the lotus symbol. My parents were really proud. I could not wait to come here. And what is your name? " She was bouncing. Her exuberance was very endearing and she looked like a complete opposite to me. She was short, looked about five feet in height and I was five feet eight inches. She was all soft curves, with beautiful brown hair and chocolate eyes and a dimple adorned her face. I was thin, tough and not at all feminine, with jet black hairs and black eyes. She had worn a bright yellow short tunic, over a brown skirt, which had golden embroidery and I was wearing my usual sleeveless black tunic, over a black pant. The only colour I had was from the golden belt and a golden circlet on my head.

"Kirati..." I help my palm upwards, as was our customary greetings.

"You a Kinnara, princesses at that?" her eyes went wide, looking at my head, no doubt my black-brown horns and gold band giving away my identity. She touched her palm to mine in return for my gesture.

"Well, I like you Kirati... and we would be the best of friends." She announced, retreating her hand and just like that I had another friend.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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