"Fuck you dickwad!"

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Jogging my way round the tiny town that I call home I can feel the eyes on me, either watching my every move to make sure that I am not doing anything illegal or judging me on my appearance. To be honest it used to get to me when I first moved here, now I really don't give a shit. I clench my jaw and start to jog a bit faster, looking down at the floor and not paying any attention to where I am going. I do this for about five minutes before I run into something, putting my hands out I grab onto the thing I ran into. Looking down I notice a head full of blonde hair before the owner looks up at me. I bite my lower lip to stop the laugh that was threatening to leave my lips at her 'angry' glare. 

"You okay there kitten?" I find myself asking as I keep a firm grip on her hips and stare into her blue eyes. 

"I'm fine, no thanks to you asshole." She says, still glaring at me. "Maybe next time you should watch where the fuck you are running so you don't find yourself in a shitty situation like this again." She pulls away from me and folds her arms over her chest.

"Well if it helps me bump into you again kitten then I don't see the point in watching where I am going." I smirk at her copying her actions.

"Oh dear lord." I hear her grumble under her breath before she turns around and starts walking away from me. 

"It was nice to meet you too kitten." I shout after her whilst watching her walk away, appreciating the view.

"Fuck you dickwad!" She shouts back whilst flipping me off over her shoulder.

I laugh and shake my head before I carry on with my jog. For the rest of my jog I couldn't shake the little badmouth vixen out of my head. I had literally only been in her company for a minute but I could feel myself getting hooked on the thought of her being with me. Shaking my head at my ridiculous thoughts I slowly walk into my apartment building and climb the stairs to my house. As soon as I enter I go straight to the bathroom to have a shower and to get ready for work. 

After a quick shower I get changed into a white t shirt, a pair of black skinny jeans and some combat boots. Running my hand through my hair quickly I walk out of my room and grab my leather jacket, keys and wallet and walk down and out of the building after locking my door. I walk towards my car and climb in, I pull out of the car park and make my way towards work. For some reason my mind was telling me that today was going to be a really eventful day. 

It took me 20 minutes to drive to work. Pulling up, I parked outside the gym and got out of my car. "Dude, you never messaged me back last night." I heard someone whine as soon as I walked into the gym. 

"Asher you do realise you sound like a clingy girl right now?" I say back as I walk further in and throw my jacket over the boxing ring we have set up in the middle. I turn and look at my best friend who is pouting at me.

"You said you would message me when you got back." He says as he crosses his arms and stamps his foot a bit. 

I burst out laughing as I watch him throw a tantrum like a toddler. Still laughing I walk into the office and sit down at the desk and start working my way through the accounts and bills. Asher follows in after me still pouting but sits down in front of me. 

"Okay fine, I'm sorry I forgot now can you stop pouting like a child its creeping me out." I tell him not looking up from the papers in front of me. 

He sighs, "Fine, I only do it because I worry." I nod at him and he carries on, "We have two new clients today and looking at you I'm gonna guess that I'm the one who has to deal with them." He says before he gets up from the chair and walks back out to the gym.

I shake my head and shut my eyes for a moment. Asher is the only person who knows everything about my past, hence the worrying over me when I can quite clearly look after myself. I take a deep breath and go back to the paperwork in front of me, internally groaning at all the work there is to do.

About 3 hours later I decide that it is time for a break. I stand up from the chair and stretch my arms above my head, turning my head side to side making it crack. I walked out of the office and stop a few feet out of the door. In front of me stood the little kitten from this morning in a pair of skin tight pants, a sports bra and a pair of nikes, her hair was up in a pony tail and she had boxing gloves on, and holy shit did she look fucking breath taking. She was laying into the punching bag we had hanging from the ceiling whilst another woman was holding it. I shake myself out of the trance I had fallen in and walk over to Asher who was leaning against one of the corners of the boxing ring.

"They the new clients?" I find myself asking.

Asher gives me a funny look as he knows I never really care about any new clients we get. Nodding he replies, "Yeah, looks like they know what they are doing as well." He turns back and carries on watching the pair and I do the same.

Now the other woman was having a go at the punching bag whilst the fire ball from this morning was holding the bag. Feeling my stare she looks up and meets my eyes. "Hi kitten" I mouth at her before giving her a wink and folding my arms across my chest. She looks shocked and her mouth open and shuts almost comically. 

'Well at least work will be more fun from now on' I think.

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