The Lonely Girl

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During the month of September, when the season Autumn starts to begin, they said that I only had a couple more years left to live. They tell me that I'm dying.

Back inside this hospital room of mine, I am by myself. There is no one around to accompany me. No one to talk to. No one to laugh with. I was never given any details, but they tell me that I'm a "special child", a child not like the rest. Unique. It was only during the time I was snooping around when I found out why. When I was born, something had happened that they weren't so sure about. At about the age of five, they finally detected my illness. Coronary Microvascular Disease, or they say, something that has to do with my heart. (It's not contagious, I know that for a fact) To tell you the truth, I don't really know about it all that much. They only fill me in about everything every once and a while. Probably to prevent me from stressing or worrying. So while I'm here, all alone in this busy hospital on floor three, I watch a lot of different looking students pass by. I've gone to school before, but it was only for a short time. I don't really attend everyday because of my illness, though, it's more like I don't have the permission from the hospital. But every couple months or so, I'll randomly be able to go. And when I go, it's kind of lonely. I don't blame my illness for this, but at the same time, it's kind of troubling. Because the fact that I am always away from school, not once have I ever made a friend. I have always been alone. Both my parents are away overseas, trying and doing the best they can for work. Sometimes, they'll call the hospital to see how I'm doing. Even though I'm able to hear their voices, what I wish for the most is to see them in person. To be able to see them smile. A dream. But recently, it hasn't been going well.

For a fact, I'm already certain they've found a replacement child for me.

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