The Dreamcatcher

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The Dreamcatcher

One sheep... two sheep... three sheep... and I jump over to my dreamland. In a world where everything seems to be perfect. Problems don't exist. No need to pretend, No need to struggle, No need to be anxious and Fears go away. A place where no one will break your heart and somewhere when expectations are satisfied. Just like in a jigsaw puzzle where every piece is perfectly put into its proper place. Oh! How awfully good it is to live.

I hear something ringing… it’s getting louder by the moment and my sight started becoming all fogged up. Each time it gets louder, everything seems to be more blurry. Is it just that my eyesight is becoming poor or is it that the whole world is fading away like a new painted painting that is being drenched by rain?

I opened my eyes and turned off the alarm clock. That was a jolly good dream, I thought to myself. How I wish it was real. It’s just so rare I have good dreams like that. Too bad I had to wake up so early because of our family trip today.

It was afternoon when we arrived at the destination of our trip. We stopped in a restaurant where we had our lunch. I finished early so I decided to go out and walk around. While doing so, I thought of my dream last night and how I hated that I had to wake up from it to this unfortunate reality. But then something caught my eye. A Pretty round thing hanging up in a small store. I had to see it closer, so I went to the place where it hanged with the ones that looks so alike it but it stands out from the rest because of its pretty colors and the unique charm it has. A middle aged woman spoke beside me and said that the round thing with strings woven in a web like form within its ring is called a dreamcatcher.

I smiled unconsciously because of the idea I had in mind. What a coincidence that I was thinking of a great dream I had and I see a thing that had drawn me to get closer to it just to find out it was called a dreamcatcher. It was pretty obvious what it does base on what it’s called. The woman speaks again and told me “Young lady, do you want one? Legend says that if you hang a dreamcatcher above your bed, it will catch the bad dreams in the web while letting the good dreams through the hole in the middle. As the sun’s rays hit the dreamcatcher in the morning, all of the bad dreams will evaporate”

I smiled again. Maybe you’re all thinking that I’ll buy it because I wanted to dream my dream last night again but you’re wrong. I look at the woman and saw in her eyes that she is just waiting for me to buy it. I thanked her for the information about the dreamcatcher, bid her adieu and left.

A dreamcatcher lets me have good dreams in my sleep but when I wake up, I’ll just forget it sooner or later because I have to deal with reality. I don’t need that. I don’t need something that would just keep me happy when I’m sleep. What I need is to be happy in the midst of reality and that is to fulfill my dreams while my eyes are wide open, while I’m awake and there’s no hanging dreamcatcher that can do so. But on second thought, there is a dreamcatcher in my real life and that is me. I am the dreamcatcher. It is up to me to catch my dreams, make them real and live them through reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2014 ⏰

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