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Janelle dragged her feet as she trudged into her house.Miserable and exhausted from the miserable and of course exhausting day she had had at school.She pulled at her tie that was as always way to tight and unbuttoned the top of her shirt ."Mummmmmmmmm! Are you home?" she yelled chucking her dusty red bag onto the floor."Guess not ,"she murmured under her breath after getting no reply.She walked through her gaping house as her high ceilings made the sound of her feet against the floor echo.She groaned as she carried her feet into her kitchen,gradually conjuring the effort to open the fridge and pull out a bottle of orange juice.She stared at it for a second before abandoning her modesty and chugging the juice out of the bottle as nature intended."What now?", she muttered placing the bottle on the table and staring out the window.Breathing in, she decided it would be best to do what all teenagers did and retire into her bedroom for a while.Walking in she felt an overwhelming feeling of disgust as she looked up to see a picture of Justin Beiber hanging from her ceiling and almost vomited at the sight of harry styles on her pillow case."Over them I guess" she laughed plopping onto her bed and turning on her phone.After Scrolling through Instagram for a while and drooling over Nick Jonas (the one celebrity she did like as of that moment) ;she turned her phone off and flipped onto her back."I need to pee."she stated looking at the wall.She giggled,"but I cant be bothered"."Wow I'm stupid".Groaning, she sat up and weighed out her options."Okay, I need to pee.I could get bladder disease...BUT I CANT BE BOTHERED".She sat there.

10 mins later

"I still need to pee", she moaned rolling her eyes.Finally Janelle conjured up all her energy and got up to begin her journey to her bathroom.As she approached a smell made itself present , she recognized it but could not put a finger on it.As she opened the door,her heart stopped at the view that was presented in front of her.Her boyfriend lay in the bath.The white marble traced with his crimson blood.His head hanging limp and his eyes rolled back in his head.He had a hole through his forehead and his arms were in his lap.But not attached to his body.The blood leaked like a river on the floor Its path towards her foot.She struggled as her shaking hand made its way into her pocket to get her phone.Typing in the numbers she had known since she was 5, she placed the phone to her ear and stood staring at his body.A single tear falling down her face."Emergency Services how can I help?" 


"Hello...are you okay?"

The room went black and the last thing Janelle remembered was the feeling of her falling.Not knowing what would happen next.

The scene in front of her came to. Slightly blurry but visible.She had a blanket around her and she was sitting outside.She raised her hands to see them covered in blood and they began to tremble once  again."We are so sorry" a woman in uniform said taking her hands and cleaning them."Is he...Is he dead?" Janelle asked afraid of the answer.The woman looked down at the floor and nodded  her head.Janelle felt her heart buckle under the pressure and tears began to fall down her face.She sobbed like a baby into her still mildly bloody hands and struggled to catch her breath.After she was empty of tears she lifted her head out of her hands and looked up.The ambulance was beginning to pack up and the drivers were getting into their seats.The same woman that had been there for her earlier looked at her,sincerity in her eyes."We are gonna get going,will you be okay alone?There are things we can offer you if you feel unsafe or afraid"she said rubbing Janelle's  back."No.I'll be fine.Thank you"She whispered staring at her hands."I'll be fine."she repeated.

She stood at her kitchen window as she watched the cars drive away.Her dead boyfriend in the back of the ambulance.The front of her house lined with police tape.The sun beamed down on her.Kissing her skin delicately. Sipping a cup of water over her sink, she wiped away the dampness of a tear.She untied her hair from its tight ponytail and shook it with relief.Clicking her fingers and sighing she giggled to herself and broke out into a full on smile.She began to whistle as she picked up her glass of water and began to walk to her living room.Her hips swayed as the sound of her joyful whistle filled the house."Number 2"she giggled to herself.

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