fifty four

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Having Grayson around this past week has been incredible. I have taken him to so many tourist attractions and we explored the city even more than the last time. Now that he isn't here for just the weekend, there is much more for us to do. We went to see the Christmas tree and I took him ice skating in Rockefeller Center. It was hilarious to see him try to keep his balance on the ice. The only problem with his trip is there is no snow.

All week Grayson has been begging the sky for it to snow, it's the only thing he really wants. I decide to take matters into my own hands to create the perfect solution to his problem. Since I didn't know what to get him for Christmas, I had Christopher help with my lack of snow issue. It is something we planned all week without anyone knowing. The man at the front desk of my apartment complex informed me that my mother is out of town for the holidays, which works out perfect for us.

We took everything out of my already half empty bedroom and scattered it around the apartment. Christopher and I turned my bedroom into a fake winter wonderland. His uncle works for movie sets, so setting up screens with a projector wasn't that hard. We put white blankets all across the hardwood floors to give it a snowy vibe.

Lastly, we got fake Christmas trees and planted them around the corners of the room. Everything looks perfect. After sneaking away from Christmas Eve dinner, I head over to my apartment to meet up with Christopher. The second I got there I was blown away by the results.

"So, how much do you love it?" Christopher smirks as I enter my old bedroom.

"This is amazing." I gasp as I look at the atmosphere around me.

"Hard work really pays off." He laughs. "All you need to do is turn the projector on and it will reflect a video of actual snow falling." He demonstrates by switching on the little box. The screens around the room turn on and you're suddenly wrapped up in the snow.

"Do you think Grayson will like it?" I turn back to him.

"No, Grayson is going to pee his pants when he sees this." Christopher laughs. "The white blankets on the floor is the perfect touch."

"Don't forget the trees." I point to the Christmas trees around the room.

"This was one creative gift idea." He smiles back at me. "Grayson's a lucky guy, I hope one day somebody will do cute stuff like this for me."

"I just wanted to make this trip special for him." I smile and continue to look around the room. "If I can't give him real snow, I might as well give him fake snow."

"He's going to be so happy." Christopher smiles at me.

"Thank you so much for helping me this past week." I jump up and down. "I would have never been able to accomplish all of this without you."

"It was my pleasure." Christopher walks over to the projector and turns it off. "Well, I need to get back home now." He begins to walk out of my room.

"Yeah, I need to get back to the hotel before they suspect anything. I'm just going to Ava's to get ready."

"Let me know how everything goes." He smiles as we both exit the apartment.

"I will." I grin as I make my way down to the apartment. When I enter it, Ava and Anthony are sitting in the living room.

"Anthony, hey." I lightly chuckle. "I didn't know you were over here."

"I kind of snuck away from Bill and Grayson." He laughs as he stands up. "I was just giving Ava her Christmas gift."

"Look!" Ava jumps up from the couch and runs over to me. "Isn't it beautiful?" She holds up her wrist that has a gorgeous silver bracelet on it.

"Wow, this is so pretty." I grin. "Good job Anthony."

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