'Tis Better to Have Loved and Lost

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Yet again I am left. All of that effort, and once again, they leave. Over and over this happens, and I continue to allow it to. I always end up feeling this way, left with sorrow and sadness for what I have lost, only left with despair. I remember not the great times I once had, but only know that they will never happen again. And so, instead of gaining happiness from the fact any joy was had originally, I am only sad, I only think that I will never have the same joy again, and so I prefer to forget that I was ever happy with those people in the the first place.
And yet again, here, here they are, but this time, I close them out, for I know they will leave again, and for some reason, that means that I shouldn't ever associate with them, because there is no point in joy if it is not permanent.
It makes no sense! None at all! Nothing is permanent, nothing at all! My life too, will end at some point, but does that mean I choose to stop living? No. Maybe it is because I will not be able to mourn over the loss of my own life as I can over the loss of friends. But why mourn? I should feel happy that we had the chance to do anything at all, happy that I was able to become so close in such a short amount of time. I should look back and be happy that I loved at all, and not be sad that, I'm the end, I had lost.
And so, why avoid new friendships? So what if they must leave at some point, who's to care? If anything, that means I should make the most of them and their presence while I still can. Every thing is limited edition! Make the most of it all while it still has yet to reach its limit, and love it, as much as possible, while you still can.

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